Tuesday, January 17, 2006

That's that

I can't believe my luck lately. Yin and Yang in full force. It's actually not so bad, but when is enough... enough? I need to get my Westfield State College parking sticker before class Thursday night. Since their hours are 9-4:30 and, as usual, I've waited until the last minute, that's not going to happen. I think they're usually lenient on the first week of the new semester, so I might be ok. I had 2 stamps that I carefully affixed to both my envelope and my self-addressed stamped return envelope. Then I sealed the envelope and put it down on my table right next to the copy of my registration that is also required... to be inside the envelope. Oops.

I went to see my doctor this afternoon. Now when I say my doctor, I really mean a doctor or, in this case, nurse practitioner. I actually never get to see my doctor. I was given a prescription, so I figured I'd go the gym for about an hour then drop off my prescription on the way home. My pharmacy is open until 6pm, and this was about 4:30, so there was plenty of time. I got to the pharmacy at about 5:50pm and they had already shut off their "open" sign. Oops again.

I've got to say, I felt bad for the Brushway today. I won't go into details, but I will say this: suck! In comparison, I've really got nothing to complain about.

For some reason I watched American Idol tonight. I never watch it. I generally never watch any "live" tv. I liked it.

And that's that.


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