Thursday, January 19, 2006

Back to School

As most, if not all, of you already know today was my first day back at school. The class I'm taking: Computer Science Senior Project. I found out before I left for the college that I didn't need to get any books. So that was good. What supplies did I have with me? Why a pen and small notepad of course. Along with the obligatory piece of paper with the class I'm taking and the room it's in. I took the stairs up to the 4th floor and decided to use the mens room before going to hang out in the hallway near the classroom. I was about 30 minutes early.

I'm not going to get into the details, but while I was in the mens room I had the unfortunate luck of dropping my notebook into the toilet. As I was contemplating how long it would take for the universe to finally collapse, I realized that I had to get it out of there. I couldn't flush with it in there, that could be bad. And I couldn't just leave it there and not flush, I just couldn't do that to someone else. Skipping past the details of retrieval, once I finished I washed my hands thoroughly and found that they were out of paper towels. Thankfully, they did have two dispensers and the other wasn't out. But for a minute there...

The class was bigger than I had expected. I would say a good 10 students. They all knew each other too, except me. I guess that's the difference between continually taking classes and skipping 12 years or so. Still, someone was nice enough to give me a few sheets of paper since I was the only one without a notebook. I didn't get into the details with them ;)

The class itself only lasted about 30 minutes. The instructor gave us the syllabus, filled us in on what was expected, and that was that. We only have 4 more classes over the semester that we have to be there for, other than that we're on our own to do our projects. Let's see if I can pick something reasonable or if I go a little overboard, as my past history would suggest that I may do. I can already feel myself leaning!

I went to the gym for an hour when I got back to town. That's 4 days in a row - not bad. As for tomorrow, we'll see.

For now, time to get some sleep.


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