Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It was...

You've heard the saying, "It was the best of times, it was the worse of times". Well, I have to say, this whole deal with pre-generating bishop attack boards for my project has really kicked my you know what. But, finally, after weeks of hallucinations I've done it! It was so much easier than I made it out to be because, as I mentioned yesterday, I was trying to do the impossible. Ok, maybe not impossible, but so much harder than it had to be. Done I say. Begone!

I've got to say though, I'm very excited. This has really gotten me down for the past week or two. So it's nice to move on. Many more challenges to go, so hopefully no more like this one. Not so much more to say because, really, besides working this is my life... for a few more weeks.

Our gas didn't get shut off today, so that was exciting too! I was getting a little nervous yesterday when I got the notice in the mail. Especially since I didn't open it until 4:59pm, they close at 5pm, and when I called them they were already gone. I took care of it first thing this morning before work.

Yesterday I missed my doctor's appointment. It turns out I had one. Go figure. Now I have to remember to reschedule that.

Is there anything else I should be forgetting? Nah, don't worry about it, it's probably already long gone.

Alright, I can't think coherently, so there's no use in my trying to write. You'll thank me for it later. I promise!


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