Monday, April 21, 2008

Just a glimpse

In addition to the usual weekend wow overload, I stopped at the chess club Saturday night.  I didn't actually play, just talked for a few.  As for wow, it was overall a good weekend:

Our 1st kara group saw a new boss.
Our 2nd kara group did I 3.5 hour clear of Karazhan.
We downed High King Maulgar in Gruul's Lair.
We downed the 1st 3 bosses in Zul'Aman.

I also continue my road to chess improvement.  June is the deadline.

All good stuff.  

I have the night off from bowling tonight.  That probably means a little bit of chess and a lot of wow.  But for now, I've got to get going.  For those of you that have the day off, enjoy!  For the rest of us, we do the best we can!

Hope you had a great weekend.


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