Friday, April 25, 2008


Tonight was bowling night.  Another so-so night, I bowled somewhere around my average.  Unfortunately, as a team, we didn't do so well.  We took 1 point out of 4.  I believe the current slang for that is we got borked.  Today was certainly my day for getting borked.

This afternoon I was up in Gayle's office for a bit playing with her home-made stress ball.  What's that?  It's a balloon filled with flour.  Let me repeat that.  It's a balloon filled with flour.  More importantly, it's a balloon filled with flour that I'm playing with.  What could possibly go wrong?  Did I mention that I was wearing a dark grey shirt and black pants today?  I did learn something - I now know how to vaccuum myself.  I was going to go wash it off, but Gayle and Rae started laughing at me.  Apparently not a good idea.  Jim did offer to get me some newspaper.  

Maybe next time.


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