Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'll never reach my destination, if I never try...

I've got a problem. Homework. At first I didn't know how to do it, but now... now... I don't know how to do some of it, and the rest takes a really long time. That was unexpected. Made worse by my natural tendancy to wait until the last minute. Yes, trouble. That spells trouble. The good news is, I don't think I'll be waiting until the last minute anymore. The bad news, well, it means 2 homeworks in a row I'll have done poorly on. By poorly, I'm guessing D range. Not exactly my target.

For some reason, I'm happy to work things out. To find a solution. But as soon as I hear those dreadful words... prove it ... I'm lost. Mathematical proofs. Writing them. I'm struggling.

I really like the class, so that makes it even more difficult.

Tomorrow is another day. In fact, it's today. Here's to hoping it's a good one.

Until then,


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