Saturday, March 04, 2006

What was I doing?

I was about ready to go take a shower and get ready to leave. Adam and I are bowling at 11:30 today. As I was heading to the bathroom I was thinking to myself, what was I just doing? That was fun. I was browsing the iTunes music store - nope, that wasn't it. I was practicing my guitar for a bit - nope, not it. Oh yeah, I was playing a game of chess (g/3+1), 3 minutes a side + 1 second increment per move, on the icc. I won. It was great for a quick game. But damn, for a minute there, I thought it was something new.

Some exciting news I read about this morning on Sean's blog ( Hikaru Nakamura was upset (lost to a lower rated player) in the first round of the US Championship. Hikaru plays exciting, unconvential chess. So I like to see him winning. We'll see how he recovers, still a long way to go.

Cause life ain't about
The worries and doubts
That come with the lust and the greed
Cause I'd rather have nothing
Then a whole lot of something
I don't need.
(I'd rather have nothing - Garth Brooks)

Alright, back to the day.


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