Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Round and Round

The circle of life continues. Round and round and round it goes. I wish I could get rid of whatever this thing is, but I guess it's not to be. It's the worst in the mornings - but I'm not calling it morning sickness! Nope, no thank you. I'm going to see the doctor in the morning. I have a feeling he'll say yep, you probably had the flu, give it a few more weeks and call me if it doesn't go away. We'll see.

I've decided to cancel my weekend trip to Sturbridge. I had figured I'd be better long before the weekend, but it just isn't happening. So I think I need to rest this weekend, and spend time on my project of course. I've got to get caught back up on that. So it's probably for the better, though I was looking forward to playing. Even if my play still does suck.

I managed a full day + a few today, so that was good. This morning I really thought I was going to have to go home. But as predicted, it got easier this afternoon. When I got home from work I fell asleep. That's about the norm these days. Around 6:45pm my phone started ringing. Stupid call. Some lady that wanted me to refinance. I said only if you can beat 5%. She said I'm sure we can, we've done some wonderful things lately. It will only take 5 minutes of your time if you want to get started. Since the rates are currently 5.41% for a 15yr, I really didn't believe her. And she had just gotten me out of bed. So I said no thank you.

Then I went to my guitar lesson, followed by some dinner and a game of poker - which I said I wasn't going to play tonight but decided to anyway. Followed by a terrible game of chess, which made me want to cry. I need to spend some time focusing on my openings for black. As white I'm feeling pretty solid right now, and most of my losses are coming from the black side.

And now it's time to go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day, health wise. If not, well, so it goes. The circle of life continues, spinning us round and round and round. Where does it stop? I am sure noone knows. As for me, and you, and everything we do, keep on doing it!


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