Sunday, August 06, 2006

Diagonalization waits not

School is almost over. August 11th for Linear Algebra and the 16th for Decision Support. I had some good news yesterday. I emailed the instructor for Linear Algebra to ask her about the homework and when the tests will be posted for chapters 5 and 6. She told me that she doesn't do chapter 6 in the summer, and only during the normal semester if time permits. That means I'm on the final chapter! A little extra time - I need that. I'm really hoping to finish up chapter 5 today and take the test tonight so that I'll only need to do the final. I need a lot of time for my other class!

Paul has been a huge help for Linear Algebra. Last night at the chess club he spent hours, off and on, answering my questions while I was doing the homework. I needed it. I'm not sure if it's the 15 years since I last took a math class, but some of the concepts take a while to sink in.

I was hoping to go to Bradley next weekend for a chess tournament. But knowing what I have left to do for my other class I don't think it can happen. I think that miles to go would be an understatement.

I suppose I should be going. Diagonalization waits not, and the future is ours to see.


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