Wednesday, September 08, 2004

That's just the way it is

Sometimes it just doesn't matter... I had a post all ready to go this morning. I'm not saying that it was going to change the world. In fact, I'm not even certain anyone even reads my rants. Still, it was something. For some reason the stupidometer was in high gear, and stayed that way all day! I went to post the article and it just kept "working...". Finally I figured something must be wrong, so I hit the button on the browser, figuring I could just resubmit. Nope - cleared out everything I had written. Lost forever. The rant that never was. Now, instead, you get this. To you, the avid reader, it may not make that much difference. Hey, a post is a post. But for me, well, truth be told, it doesn't make that much difference either. It just gave me more to write about.

Speaking of writing, I was playing in a poker tournament tonight. It was a 3-table tournament - 30 people. It was a $5 entry fee, and the top 5 positions paid out. About 3/4 of the way through I had to use the bathroom, no questions asked. So I checked the box to post blinds and fold, since I'd be away from the table. I get back a few minutes later, my bankroll sufficiently shrunk, to play another few hands. Then we get the noticed that it was time for all players to get a 5 minute break. Damn! I forgot about the break, otherwise I would have tried to wait that extra few minutes.

Shortly thereafter, we were combined into the finally board and I was wiped off the table. I finished 9th out of 30, which overall is pretty good... but pretty good doesn't pay the bills. Then again, neither will winning a $5 poker tournament. Ah well, time to get on with life once again.

Until next time.

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