Sunday, September 05, 2004

Maybe next time

My arm hurts! It's not the bruised, painful, did something stupid kind of hurt. This is the other kind. The "I slept on my stupid arm just because I could" kind of hurt that stays with you for half the day. I can't wait until it goes away.

I really wanted to have some cereal for breakfast this morning. Not just any cereal, I wanted Captain Crunch. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was those visions of crunch berries dancing in my head. I haven't had Captain Crunch in a few years now. In fact, I really haven't had cereal in a long time. Unfortunately, as of right now, I still haven't had cereal in a long time. Oh well, maybe next time.

I feel a little "blah" today. I think it's because I have no planned goals that really excite me. Maybe something will come up. If not then, oh well, maybe next time!

Until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to kick my ass at poker Ed.