Thursday, August 26, 2004

And to all a good night

I'm getting a cold! It's tearing me up inside. Who gets sick in the summer? If we leave out the "not enough sleep last night", the "worked 12 hours today", and the general consensus between me and myself that things suck, I still come to the same conclusion... if a tree falls in the forest. You got it -who cares! Welcome to my world!

Speaking of my world, I think it's about ready to turn in for the day. I'm going to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face another day. And gosh darnit, people like me!

On that note, hope you're all healthy, happy, and shining at least a little bit of light on that dark side of the moon. I've got a busy weekend, no time to be sick. Sleep, must sleep.

... And to all a good night.

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