Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Bagel

I think I ate a moldy bagel tonight. I think I might be sick. I didn't notice it right away, it really looked like a perfectly normal, healthy bagel. It wasn't that old either, so I didn't really consider the possibility ahead of time. When I was almost done with it, I noticed a spec of green. I immediately went to my other bagel, the one that I didn't eat, and carefully examined it. No green. So it's definitely possible that I'm mold free. But because I'm a believer in possibilities I have to throw it out there.

Just in case you're thinking of trying it at home, definitely not a recommended daily dietary supplement. I'd recommend against it. Unless, of course, you happen to be one of the legendary pokemon. As I was doing some quick research to find out what I could expect if the bagel was, in fact, moldy, I came across countless evidence that the pokemon can eat whatever they want. I am not a pokemon, nor do I wish to be.

Tomorrow I'm planning to go to Palmer to play in a chess tournament for the day. As usual, I may have just made my day more interesting. Let's hope for the best!


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