Thursday, August 16, 2007

For the love of the game

The following picture is the final position in a chess game I played on the ICC tonight. What makes it amazing isn't necessarily the game itself. To me it was the fact that I really enjoyed playing it. It's been a while! So, who's winning?

In this game I'm playing white. Though I feel that ratings on the ICC have even less meaning than those of the USCF, my opponent was rated about 200 points lower than I. And when I say I, I mean me... the me that is out of practice because of a certain WOW addiction over the past 8 months. In the above position, my opponent resigned. There's too much pressure against the king.

Part of my renewed interest in chess has to do with a phone call I received yesterday. I've been thinking about playing tournaments all summer. In the end I decided WOW was more important. Last night Larry called me to ask if I was going to play in the New York State Championship. How could I say no? I have a storied history with that tourament, and even though I'm out of practice I couldn't pass it up. So now I have a few weeks to figure this game out!

Labor Day Weekend... here we come!

Take care, Ed.

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