Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Another night it's gonna be a long one...

The agony continues.  I'm not sure why, but it seems much worse from late evening to mid-morning.  I went to bed around 11 tonight... at least I thought I did.  I woke back up at around midnight.  At first I thought it was my alarm clock.  It was making that almost clicking sound that it makes right before it goes off.  Constantly.  

I tried to ignore it for a bit.  Then I realized that it was warm.  Not a good sign.  Finally the clicking got to me enough that I got out of bed to listen.  The clock was quiet.  That figures.  Source of the clicking:  unknown.  So I go back to bed and take off some covers.  Maybe that will help.  It helps for a minute, but then I get an upset stomach.  You know what that means...

It's going to be a long night.

I hope yours goes better!


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