Friday, December 14, 2007

And so it goes

It's amazing how time passes by.  I was hoping to leave work a little early today.  Didn't happen.  So a bit late as usual.  I stopped at my mother's after work, then slowly made my way home.  On my way I sent Kip an SMS to see how it was going.  What did he want to know?  What's for dinner of course!

So I was telling him that I just left my mothers, was now going to CVS, then hitting McDonald's, and finally going home to play some WOW!  What did I actually SMS?  It went like this:  "Just left in's now CBS next MVD's then wow".

Huh? :)


The wonders of modern technology.  Speaking of WOW, I've been playing a little less lately.  And when I do, I find that I get annoyed much easier.  It's not a good sign.  But the good news is I've been playing a little more chess again.  Oh, and if you didn't know:

Gata Kamsky is freaking amazing!!!

I could tell you more, but you'd probably just say... Huh? :)

When I got home tonight I was going to work on my Priest.  I still want to get him to 70 before Christmas.  Not very likely at this rate.  Tonight I was asked to do a Heroic Instance on my warrior.  4 hours later we finish.  In case you were wondering, it was Heroic Underbog.  At least we finished it!

So it appears I'm about to do the unthinkable.  Stay up all night.  I was just invited to do Karazhan.  I love that place!  

Hmm... it's 4am.  Going to get a few hours of sleep now.  I need to meet my mother at staples for 10am.

Sorry for all the random thoughts.  Have a good weekend!


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