Friday night I decided to get the "Rustic" pizza from Papa Ginos. At the moment it's definitely my favorite pizza. I got there at around 8pm, finally heading home after a busy day. I go up to the register and give them my name. The cashier looks around, then says a large and a small. They have a special - if you buy a rustic pizza you get a free small cheese with it. So I said yes, a large rustic. Oops. It appears after a few moments of confusion that I'm probably telling the truth. Why else would they credit the small cheese on the receipt? So the manager walks over to the register and asks me if I want him to make me one, it would be about 15-20 minutes. I couldn't help myself. I wanted the rustic! So I waited for it.
When I got the pizza, they told me to keep the large as well. Otherwise they would just throw it out. Pizza Fest! On my way home I was heading towards the lights on King street by D'Angelos, at the intersection of King, Bridge Road, and Damon Road, when I noticed it was getting ready to turn green. As I got closer to the lights I started glancing in both directions. It's a habit. I wasn't going too fast, just passing the light, when a car from Damon Road doesn't notice that he's got a red light. He figures it out once he gets about a quarter of the way past the light, blocking my lane, and he stops. Right in front of me. hmm... what to do? So I stop before I hit him, and he's just sitting there. After staring at me for a minute, he finally backs up to the light, and I'm on my way.
Friday night I just watched a couple episodes of The West Wing and ate my pizza. It's a little sad, because I know that this is Rob Lowes last season, and I really like his character on the show. Still, thankfully, the show is full of great characters so I'll get over it.
Saturday I decided to take a break from work/homework and spend the day having fun. So I played Oblivion for most of the day, then went to the chess club at night. At the chess club, like last week, Paul Sarrazin and I played 2 games. If you remember last week I finished with 1.5/2. This week we start out with a game/15. After the game Paul was telling me that he wasn't expecting such a quick time control, and assumed we'd be playing at least game/25. I'm guessing he was primarily annoyed because he got killed on time. He lost on time when i still had 10 minutes left on my clock. In addition to that, he was lost.
The second game we played game/25 and got to the following position:

(the game continued with black playing Rxd2 Rxg5 Kxg5 Kxd2 Kf4 Ke2 and Black wasn't sure how to deal with the White Rook's flexibility.
I had fritz take a look at it today, and it should be a draw. Unfortunately, Paul was down to a couple of minutes left on his clock and I still had over 15. Paul resigned a little bit later because he was about to lose on time and he had dropped a pawn. When I got home from the club I watched another episode of The West Wing.
Sunday was going to be homework day. All day. So I ended up playing Oblivion instead. And some chess too! Not that I'm a huge fan of blitz chess, but today my ICC rating for Blitz just reached its highest. 2005. So that felt good. My ratings on the ICC tend to have a huge fluctuation. My blitz tends to fluctuate between 1600 and 1900 (so hitting 2005 is a surprise to me), my standard between 1900-2100 (my highest was 2199, and the current is 1997).
And on that note, I hope you all had a great weekend!
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