Progress. I can smell it. I have my move generator working! Bishops - done. Queens - done. Although it's only the move generator, and there are a bunch of pieces to add on top of it, it's actually running a bit faster than I expected. So that's nice. I can't even begin to imagine how much it'll slow down. Probably a lot! But at the moment it's calculating over 1,000,000 moves per second. It's simplistic, all I'm doing is looping over a given position about 25,000 times, so again it's really nothing to go by. But interesting nevertheless. Once I add checking for check/checkmate and some simple eval and planning, that'll get knocked way down. Plus the overhead, however small, of the move/unmove functions to iterate through the move tree.
I drew my T45 chess game today. I was playing someone about 400 points lower rated than I, and they played amazingly well. In fact, when he offered me a draw at the end (and about 50 times before that), he had a difficult but winning position on the board. I had missed a few "wins" myself through the game, but that is chess.
Having said that, and done that, now I'm going to do the sleep thing.
Tomorrow, as they say, is another day.
Oh yes, and if you happen to come across Mr. Morris, be sure to tell him that he kicks ass. 7th place out of over 1200 people in a poker tournament. Nice!
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