On Saturday Adam, Dave, and I went bowling. Our usual place, our usual time. My back was a little sore by the time we were done, but it wasn't so bad. And I've thought about my approach a little more since and I have some thoughts as to why I made it 4 games last week without any issues. I'll let you know how that goes next weekend. So, the real question, how did we do? I still don't feel like I'm back to my previous level, but I'm definitely getting there. The good news is, I broke 100 every game! I'm not going to give the frame by frame this week, too lazy, but I'll give you the basics. And at least 1 frame by frame.
So, game 1 was a little rusty as usual. It went a little like this:
Dave 123
Ed 144
Adam 236 [9/][X][9-][6/][X][X][X][X][X][X8/]
Adam put us to shame bowling an excellent game. I'm not sure their exact averages, but Adam is in the 170's this season, and Dave is at least in the 150's. As for me, since I'm not bowling in a league, I guess I can be whatever I want. Let's just say 144! :)
Game 2 brought the following:
Dave 164
Ed 188
Adam 200
Another excellent showing by Adam! If he keeps this up he'll get the coveted 600 series. Maybe even my favorite, the triple double. I don't think it's an official "bowling" term, but I like to use it to talk about bowling 3 200+ games. Definitely a reasonable showing for all of us.
Which brings us to Game 3...
Dave 143
Ed 264 [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][63][X][XXX]
Adam 179
Let me help you out on this one... Wow! Everything felt good, and even the mistakes I made still managed to turn out ok. Until the 8th frame when I mentioned to Adam that I was getting a bit nervous. Oops. Still, 11 strikes. Reminds me of why I miss bowling so much! I love this game!
Later that day I went down to the chess club. I was planning on spending some time there working on my school project, but I ended up playing 2 games against Paul Spatarella. Paul is officially rated about 800 points lower than me, but I have to say that he certainly wasn't playing like it. He lost both games, but in the second game he lost on time. I blundered early so I decided to sacrifice and get what looked like a great attack against his king. It didn't work out so well for me, and I was dead lost when his flag fell. For your reading pleasure, even though most of you will completely ignore it, here is that game:
PVCC Skittles G/15
White Edwin Borowski
Black Paul Spatarella
Result 1-0
1 d4 Nf6
2 Nf3 g6
3 Bf4 Bg7
4 e3 d6
5 Bd3 O-O
6 Nbd2 Re8
7 c3 h6
8 Qc2 Nh5
9 Bg3 Nxg3
10 hxg3 Nd7
11 O-O-O Nf6
12 Rh2 Ng4
13 Rh4 Nxf2
14 Bxg6 Nxd1
15 Bh7+ Kh8
16 Kxd1 Rf8
17 Ne4 f5
18 Neg5 e5
19 Bg6 Qf6
20 Nh7 Qxg6
21 Nxf8 Bxf8
22 g4 e4
23 Nh2 fxg4
24 g3 Be7
25 Nf1 Bxh4
26 Qf2 Be6
27 gxh4 Rg8
28 Ng3 h5
29 b3 Kh7
30 Qf4 1-0 (Black lost on time)
I was going to post a picture of the final position, but laziness seems to be getting the best of me. Paul played a great game! While I was at the club Tom told me that the hotels were already completely booked at Foxwoods for the tournament. He gave me the number of a Holiday Inn in Mystic CT that might still have some rooms available. I guess I better get moving if I plan on having a place to stay in April.
I hope you all had a great weekend!
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