My chess continues to be weak, but I think slowly getting better. Tonight my last game I played against someone named "SpeedyMcGreedy". It was a fairly interesting game because he played the opening different than I usually see. So I had a little more trouble trying to control the tempo of the game. Still I'd say I went from better, to unclear, to game over. The position displayed below was the final position from the game. It was taken using the Chessic interface to the ICC for Mac OSX. It's actually a pretty nice interface, and I like the Mac look and feel. When we reached the below position, I had 5:21 on my clock, as displayed, and he had about 9 minutes. As you can see, he just sat there for 9 minutes until he finally lost on time. I hate when people do that!

Overall, for today, I finished with 2 wins, 1 draw, and 1 loss. The loss coming against the 2200 rated computer that I played. So, overall, respectable. There are a few things I definitely need to brush up on before the weekend, I just don't know how I'm going to do it all. I've been so wiped out after work every day this week that I sleep for a few hours when I get home, so my night is almost gone before I even get started. Knowing that I need to be working on my project, wanting to be playing and practicing chess for the weekend, and wanting to play a little bit of poker, it's killing me! As usual, I probably continue to make the wrong choices. Which drives me even crazier!
And so it goes.
Welcome... to my life!
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