Sunday, November 20, 2005


Time has a way of passing us by. Where does it all go? So much to do, so little motivation. That's what I always say. Now I'm no Lemony Snicket, and for that I am truly thankful, but unfortunate events... that's my game!

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to direct my first chess tournament. The turnout was about half of what was hoped for, but it was a fun day with a lot of good chess. A special thank you to Tom Smith for organizing the event, Ed Kostreba for all of his help, and Larry Williams for his last minute appearance and giving Ed a ride home.

I picked up 2 games this weekend. One for the pc and one for the xbox. "The Movies" for the PC and "Path of Neo" for the XBOX. What do I think? Suck and Sweet. The bad news, I just don't get into games like I used to.

He looked a little lost walking out the door, but I think I knew what he was searching for...

and now, back to the rest of my life.


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