I'm tired tonight so it's going to be a quick one. In the diagram below there is a win for Black, can you find it? Message me for the answer, otherwise I'll try to remember to post it in a few days :). I'm sure Sean will have it in... 2 seconds?
Guess who was White in this game? :)
Good day, good chess, and to all a good night!
Ok, ok... I have been biting at the bit for awhile now. I gave everyone else a chance... so now I will post THE MOVE!!!! Which is... which is... (Drum roll please) ...Bh3+!
So what do you fine folks think of that V. Topalov? He is kicking butt out there in San Luis ARG in the FIDE Championship right now... ok, enough about chess already!!!!!
Eds, have you been watching some of the new episodes to the office on NBC? I hate TV... but I do like to watch THE OFFICE. It is funny most of the time. I wonder where my first season DVD has gone...? Hmmm...
Have a good one Eds and have fun this weekend! Use the force!! -Sean.
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