Main Entry: 1slog
Pronunciation: 'släg
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): slogged; slog·ging
Etymology: origin unknown
transitive senses
1 : to hit hard : BEAT
2 : to plod (one's way) perseveringly especially against difficulty
intransitive senses
1 : to plod heavily : TRAMP <slogged through the snow>
2 : to work hard and steadily : PLUG
- slog·ger noun
Now I'm going to mysteriously change the subject and act like we never talked about it. So I had this weird dream last night. I dreamt that I bought two new motorcycles. I was very excited. My brother bought one too. His was a Honda 250cc offroad. Pretty cool bike. Mine weren't Honda, though we purchased them at the same place. Oddly enough, we purchased them in the basement of our house on Bridge Street in Northampton (yes - I realize that I've never lived on Bridge Street in Northampton). One of the bikes that I purchased was also a 250cc offroad, the other was an on-off road bike. It was interesting because it looked more like a 10-speed bike than a motorcycle. I wanted to return it! Jim also kept his bike in our basement. I have no idea why.
On that note, time to start the day. I kicked some ass in poker last night! I came in 1st in my 1st tournament and 2nd in my second.
Until next time!
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