Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Middle Game

I think that I mentioned I purchased a new game a little over a week ago. The Guild 2. Overall it was a disappointment to me. I never really got into it. I gave it a few hours, and it's really not a bad game, just not my thing. I've been wanting to try out "Bully" for the Playstation 2, but I also have a feeling that I'd play for a few hours and then... nothing. So I haven't broken down and tried to buy it yet. I did pre-order Neverwinter Nights 2 - and it's due to be released today! So I may have something fun to play this weekend.

What is Neverwinter Nights 2? Well, if you've never been into Dungeons and Dragons or games like Baldur's Gate, Might and Magic, or to date myself The Bard's Tale, then it's probably just a jumble of letters. For me, to be sure, it'll be an epic battle of good versus evil. That and it's sure to be a pretty good time waster. If not, then I've slipped. A lot.

Speaking of slipping, I bowled last night. 222, 166, 212. Middle game blues. What's that all about? I think that's two weeks in a row where my 2nd game was a little weak. When I got home I played a game of chess on the ICC. It was a good game - at least it felt like it. I lost the game (it was a G/15), but only because my opponent decided to "blitz" me in the last few seconds. So I ran out of time first. I was up a queen at the end. So at least I get the moral victory.

One of these days I'll get some more games up here. I just find it a bit of a pain to upload images here. It's not bad if you only want to put up one or two... but more than that it becomes a bit of a chore. Maybe there's a better way to do it, but I haven't found it yet.

Alright, time to get on with the day. Miles to go...

Enjoy, Ed.

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