Wow! I can't even remember when the last time was I sat down to write a little. Life just gets crazy sometimes. But tonight, in between dinner and getting called back to work, I did manage to get an amazingly fun game of chess in. It is interesting to think back on that game because, aside from winning against a tough opponent, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to pull it off. Although it turned out to be the right plan, as I was letting my opponent eat up my queenside pawns, all I had was a plan. I didn't equate it to a real advantage, I guess you could call it more of a Hail Mary. Lucky for me, it worked. So I loved winning, but I can't wait to reach that next step of actually realizing how I did it. A solid, instead of speculative, plan is definitely what I prefer. Sorry, but no pictures tonight - even though there are a few good spots in the game for them. I guess I'm just lazy!
[Event "ICC 15 3"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[Date "2006.01.31"]
[Round "-"]
[White "EdBorowski"]
[Black "ctd"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ICCResult "Black checkmated"]
[WhiteElo "2077"]
[BlackElo "2217"]
[Opening "Queen's pawn game"]
[ECO "A46"]
[NIC "QP.06"]
[Time "19:53:23"]
[TimeControl "900+3"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 c5 3. c3 e6 4. Bg5 d5 5. e3 Nc6 6. Bd3 cxd4 7. exd4 Be7 8.O-O O-O 9. Nbd2 h6 10. Bh4 g5 11. Bg3 Nh5 12. Ne5 Nxg3 13. fxg3 Nxe5 14.dxe5 Qb6+ 15. Kh1 Qxb2 16. Rc1 Qxa2 17. h4 a5 18. Nf3 a4 19. hxg5 hxg5 20.Nxg5 Bxg5 21. Qh5 Bh6 22. Qxh6 f5 23. exf6 Rf7 24. Bg6 Qa3 25. Bxf7+ Kxf726. Qg7+ Ke8 27. f7+ Kd7 28. f8=Q+ Kc6 29. Qxa3 b6 30. Qge7 Ra7 31. Qxa7 Bb732. Q3xa4+ b5 33. Qb4 d4 34. cxd4+ Kd7 35. Qxb7+ Kd8 36. Rc8# {Blackcheckmated} 1-0
Until next time, Ed.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
The West Wing
This probably isn't the first time you've heard it, but I was surprised to hear that The West Wing is being cancelled after this season. 7 seasons though, a nice run. I'm only through season 2 at the moment, and I must say that I really enjoy the show. I've got seasons 3 and 4 waiting (Christmas Gifts), but I'd really like to watch them on a much bigger TV! I'll eventually give in and watch them anyway, I did the same thing last year with "24" and the big screen TV never came.
In contrast to yesterday, today was pretty good. I worked for 6 hours and then went to the gym for about an hour. I was the only one there for most of it, and the person who was there before me had this weird movie on the TV. It looked like some B movie to me, and it was mildly interesting if not completely out there. Sometimes you just feel like watching "junk". This, my friends, was junk. But I watched it. The star of this movie? David Hasselhoff. The movie was "Nick Fury: Agent of Shield" and yes, it really was as bad as it sounds. I'll admit some surprise to see that it was based on a Marvel comic.
I played a couple of great games of chess tonight. I was expecting to have a tough time since I haven't played much this week, but I really felt pretty good. I was playing Black (the diagram below shows the final position where my opponent resigned - he doesn't have enough compensation for the Queen that he's about to lose).
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. e3 Be7 6. Bd3 O-O 7. O-O dxc4 8.Bxc4 c5 9. dxc5 Bxc5 10. Qb3 Nc6 11. Rd1 Qe7 12. Be2 e5 13. Nd5 Nxd5 14.Qxd5 Be6 15. Qe4 f5 16. Qa4 e4 17. Ne1 a6 18. Bd2 b5 19. Qc2 Nb4 20. Bxb4 Bxb4 21. Qc6 Rfc8 22. Qb6 Rcb8 23. Qc6 Bc5 {White resigns} 0-1
In contrast to yesterday, today was pretty good. I worked for 6 hours and then went to the gym for about an hour. I was the only one there for most of it, and the person who was there before me had this weird movie on the TV. It looked like some B movie to me, and it was mildly interesting if not completely out there. Sometimes you just feel like watching "junk". This, my friends, was junk. But I watched it. The star of this movie? David Hasselhoff. The movie was "Nick Fury: Agent of Shield" and yes, it really was as bad as it sounds. I'll admit some surprise to see that it was based on a Marvel comic.
I played a couple of great games of chess tonight. I was expecting to have a tough time since I haven't played much this week, but I really felt pretty good. I was playing Black (the diagram below shows the final position where my opponent resigned - he doesn't have enough compensation for the Queen that he's about to lose).
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. e3 Be7 6. Bd3 O-O 7. O-O dxc4 8.Bxc4 c5 9. dxc5 Bxc5 10. Qb3 Nc6 11. Rd1 Qe7 12. Be2 e5 13. Nd5 Nxd5 14.Qxd5 Be6 15. Qe4 f5 16. Qa4 e4 17. Ne1 a6 18. Bd2 b5 19. Qc2 Nb4 20. Bxb4 Bxb4 21. Qc6 Rfc8 22. Qb6 Rcb8 23. Qc6 Bc5 {White resigns} 0-1
I haven't heard from Pam yet - I'm hoping that she made it to Thailand OK and is just having such a great time that she hasn't had a chance to give us a shout yet. I still can't believe it, 6 weeks! Who goes to Thailand for 6 weeks? Pam.
As always, so much to do... so little time. And days like yesterday certainly don't help the cause that much.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Wasting away
Some days just seem to waste away. Today was one of those days.
As for "What's the best move?", the best move is: Nxg5!
I hope you're all having a good weekend.
As for "What's the best move?", the best move is: Nxg5!
I hope you're all having a good weekend.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
What's the best move?
Back to School
As most, if not all, of you already know today was my first day back at school. The class I'm taking: Computer Science Senior Project. I found out before I left for the college that I didn't need to get any books. So that was good. What supplies did I have with me? Why a pen and small notepad of course. Along with the obligatory piece of paper with the class I'm taking and the room it's in. I took the stairs up to the 4th floor and decided to use the mens room before going to hang out in the hallway near the classroom. I was about 30 minutes early.
I'm not going to get into the details, but while I was in the mens room I had the unfortunate luck of dropping my notebook into the toilet. As I was contemplating how long it would take for the universe to finally collapse, I realized that I had to get it out of there. I couldn't flush with it in there, that could be bad. And I couldn't just leave it there and not flush, I just couldn't do that to someone else. Skipping past the details of retrieval, once I finished I washed my hands thoroughly and found that they were out of paper towels. Thankfully, they did have two dispensers and the other wasn't out. But for a minute there...
The class was bigger than I had expected. I would say a good 10 students. They all knew each other too, except me. I guess that's the difference between continually taking classes and skipping 12 years or so. Still, someone was nice enough to give me a few sheets of paper since I was the only one without a notebook. I didn't get into the details with them ;)
The class itself only lasted about 30 minutes. The instructor gave us the syllabus, filled us in on what was expected, and that was that. We only have 4 more classes over the semester that we have to be there for, other than that we're on our own to do our projects. Let's see if I can pick something reasonable or if I go a little overboard, as my past history would suggest that I may do. I can already feel myself leaning!
I went to the gym for an hour when I got back to town. That's 4 days in a row - not bad. As for tomorrow, we'll see.
For now, time to get some sleep.
I'm not going to get into the details, but while I was in the mens room I had the unfortunate luck of dropping my notebook into the toilet. As I was contemplating how long it would take for the universe to finally collapse, I realized that I had to get it out of there. I couldn't flush with it in there, that could be bad. And I couldn't just leave it there and not flush, I just couldn't do that to someone else. Skipping past the details of retrieval, once I finished I washed my hands thoroughly and found that they were out of paper towels. Thankfully, they did have two dispensers and the other wasn't out. But for a minute there...
The class was bigger than I had expected. I would say a good 10 students. They all knew each other too, except me. I guess that's the difference between continually taking classes and skipping 12 years or so. Still, someone was nice enough to give me a few sheets of paper since I was the only one without a notebook. I didn't get into the details with them ;)
The class itself only lasted about 30 minutes. The instructor gave us the syllabus, filled us in on what was expected, and that was that. We only have 4 more classes over the semester that we have to be there for, other than that we're on our own to do our projects. Let's see if I can pick something reasonable or if I go a little overboard, as my past history would suggest that I may do. I can already feel myself leaning!
I went to the gym for an hour when I got back to town. That's 4 days in a row - not bad. As for tomorrow, we'll see.
For now, time to get some sleep.
Marshmellow's on Mars
There is no I in FOOL, but that doesn't mean that I'm not one (and yes, I know a few words that there is an I in... idiot, imbecile, incompetent, ... I'm familiar with the I words). It was an interesting revelation. I left work by 5:40 because I had to get to the pharmacy a little extra early. I didn't want them to close early on me again. Granted, that's only giving me an extra 5 minutes or so on Tuesday, but come on. The sign says they close at 6. So I get there and, as sure as there are big fluffy marshmellow's on mars, the sign was off again. Not to be deterred a second time, I decided to try the door anyway. Open!
I told Pam I'd pick up a power converter for her before she heads off to Thailand. I stopped at my mother's house on the way to my guitar lesson and started searching Nothing. That wasn't part of my plan. Nothing. So while Bruce and I were jamming away I made a comment to him about it. His reply... "Radio Shack". Genius! I never even thought of it. So on my way home I stopped at radio shack - luckily before they closed - and picked up a couple of things. Oh, and in case anyone asks, it turns out I'm the one going to Thailand for 6 weeks on vacation. Don't worry, I'll be baaack!
Alright, it's time to face another day.
I told Pam I'd pick up a power converter for her before she heads off to Thailand. I stopped at my mother's house on the way to my guitar lesson and started searching Nothing. That wasn't part of my plan. Nothing. So while Bruce and I were jamming away I made a comment to him about it. His reply... "Radio Shack". Genius! I never even thought of it. So on my way home I stopped at radio shack - luckily before they closed - and picked up a couple of things. Oh, and in case anyone asks, it turns out I'm the one going to Thailand for 6 weeks on vacation. Don't worry, I'll be baaack!
Alright, it's time to face another day.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Like a knife
In memory of Jim's bad day, and my yin and yang rollercoaster upside down twisted yet somehow predictably comforting version of what I like to call my life, I give to you my first original work in a long time.
A simple hello, a simple goodbye
He did not know the answer to why
She said with a smile, speaking his name
For all he knew it was part of the game
Of life
It cuts like a knife
So with a bleeding heart, and a sinking soul
Taking him down that old rabbit hole
He knew that old road, been down there before
He still hasn’t found what he’s been looking for
From life
It cuts like a knife
But you never know what tomorrow may bring
The flowers may bloom and the birds may sing
Before the clouds start to form and the storm brings the rain
Flushing it all right down that drain
Called life
It cuts like a knife
Yeah, it cuts like a knife
A simple hello, a simple goodbye
He did not know the answer to why
She said with a smile, speaking his name
For all he knew it was part of the game
Of life
It cuts like a knife
So with a bleeding heart, and a sinking soul
Taking him down that old rabbit hole
He knew that old road, been down there before
He still hasn’t found what he’s been looking for
From life
It cuts like a knife
But you never know what tomorrow may bring
The flowers may bloom and the birds may sing
Before the clouds start to form and the storm brings the rain
Flushing it all right down that drain
Called life
It cuts like a knife
Yeah, it cuts like a knife
That's that
I can't believe my luck lately. Yin and Yang in full force. It's actually not so bad, but when is enough... enough? I need to get my Westfield State College parking sticker before class Thursday night. Since their hours are 9-4:30 and, as usual, I've waited until the last minute, that's not going to happen. I think they're usually lenient on the first week of the new semester, so I might be ok. I had 2 stamps that I carefully affixed to both my envelope and my self-addressed stamped return envelope. Then I sealed the envelope and put it down on my table right next to the copy of my registration that is also required... to be inside the envelope. Oops.
I went to see my doctor this afternoon. Now when I say my doctor, I really mean a doctor or, in this case, nurse practitioner. I actually never get to see my doctor. I was given a prescription, so I figured I'd go the gym for about an hour then drop off my prescription on the way home. My pharmacy is open until 6pm, and this was about 4:30, so there was plenty of time. I got to the pharmacy at about 5:50pm and they had already shut off their "open" sign. Oops again.
I've got to say, I felt bad for the Brushway today. I won't go into details, but I will say this: suck! In comparison, I've really got nothing to complain about.
For some reason I watched American Idol tonight. I never watch it. I generally never watch any "live" tv. I liked it.
And that's that.
I went to see my doctor this afternoon. Now when I say my doctor, I really mean a doctor or, in this case, nurse practitioner. I actually never get to see my doctor. I was given a prescription, so I figured I'd go the gym for about an hour then drop off my prescription on the way home. My pharmacy is open until 6pm, and this was about 4:30, so there was plenty of time. I got to the pharmacy at about 5:50pm and they had already shut off their "open" sign. Oops again.
I've got to say, I felt bad for the Brushway today. I won't go into details, but I will say this: suck! In comparison, I've really got nothing to complain about.
For some reason I watched American Idol tonight. I never watch it. I generally never watch any "live" tv. I liked it.
And that's that.
Monday, January 16, 2006
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
And I bet you thought I was done for the night! I thought I'd get on the ICC and play a quick game of chess before going to bed. When I say quick, the following game could have taken about an hour. As it turned out, it lasted 5 minutes. I enjoy playing the "stronger than me" computers on the ICC sometimes because it's a good way for me to judge my progress against a specific opponent. That and I usually lose, so hopefully I learn something.
I was actually starting to get a little nervous but excited in the following game, because I couldn't decide who was better and I was interested to see how my move, d5, played out. I think I misplayed the opening earlier, because I really don't think your supposed to play your dark squared bishop like I was. The question is if I now have enough time to protect it before black starts his kingside pawn storm. Truth be told, I really think that the computer is better. But when I'm in the middle of a game I always try to keep the mindset that I am. Interestingly enough, I just ran the position through Fritz 9. In case you didn't know, I consider Fritz 9 to currently be the strongest chess program in the world - for a PC - and possibly overall. It has been one of the top 3 for many years now, and with the latest version it's even better. Plus, you can play against "The Turk" if you want. Now who wouldn't want to do that? Anyway, Fritz 9 says that I rock! Well, Ok, it really didn't say that. But my position is favorable. Nice! I guess I didn't misplay the opening - I just don't know it well enough. Which means it's probably not the best decision for me to be playing it. What can I say - I need to be me!
So what happened next? My opponent, the computer, lost its connection and the game! As expected, I was both elated and dissappointed. I was happy to get a win, but the game was just starting. As with the rest of my day... It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
I was actually starting to get a little nervous but excited in the following game, because I couldn't decide who was better and I was interested to see how my move, d5, played out. I think I misplayed the opening earlier, because I really don't think your supposed to play your dark squared bishop like I was. The question is if I now have enough time to protect it before black starts his kingside pawn storm. Truth be told, I really think that the computer is better. But when I'm in the middle of a game I always try to keep the mindset that I am. Interestingly enough, I just ran the position through Fritz 9. In case you didn't know, I consider Fritz 9 to currently be the strongest chess program in the world - for a PC - and possibly overall. It has been one of the top 3 for many years now, and with the latest version it's even better. Plus, you can play against "The Turk" if you want. Now who wouldn't want to do that? Anyway, Fritz 9 says that I rock! Well, Ok, it really didn't say that. But my position is favorable. Nice! I guess I didn't misplay the opening - I just don't know it well enough. Which means it's probably not the best decision for me to be playing it. What can I say - I need to be me!
So what happened next? My opponent, the computer, lost its connection and the game! As expected, I was both elated and dissappointed. I was happy to get a win, but the game was just starting. As with the rest of my day... It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Next Time
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I don't know why, but sometimes it really turns out that way. As paradoxical as that may sound. Today just seemed like one of those days. I had many great moments, but I still couldn't escape that overall feeling of "blah". Heck, sometimes it's almost 50 in the middle of January, but usually it's not. Though as I continue that elusive search for myself this year, one thing certainly becomes clearer... I'm bound to find something.
So what's going on in the chess world these days? Why, the Corus Chess Tournament 2006 in Wijk aan Zee, Holland of course! I did spend some time Sunday morning watching the games in progress. It was actually a lot of fun. I'm not usually a big fan of watching chess games that are being played... too slow for me if I'm not the one playing, but watching the game that Michael Adams was playing against Vesselin Topalov was just too good to pass up. Topalov is the current FIDE Champion, as well as the #2 rated player in the world (#1 if you don't count Kasparov who is recently retired), and Michael Adams won an amazing game against him. Not that Michael Adams is any slouch either.
If you're interested:
I learned a lot about how 4-wheel drive works today too. When I say a lot, I actually mean very little, but compared to what I knew before I'm calling it a lot. I always wanted to get All Wheel Drive, just because it seems cooler, but life led me down another path. In case you were curious, All Wheel Drive really is cooler. Better, Stronger, Faster, and definitely not $6 million dollars. Maybe next time.
Speaking of next time... we'll see you then!
So what's going on in the chess world these days? Why, the Corus Chess Tournament 2006 in Wijk aan Zee, Holland of course! I did spend some time Sunday morning watching the games in progress. It was actually a lot of fun. I'm not usually a big fan of watching chess games that are being played... too slow for me if I'm not the one playing, but watching the game that Michael Adams was playing against Vesselin Topalov was just too good to pass up. Topalov is the current FIDE Champion, as well as the #2 rated player in the world (#1 if you don't count Kasparov who is recently retired), and Michael Adams won an amazing game against him. Not that Michael Adams is any slouch either.
If you're interested:
I learned a lot about how 4-wheel drive works today too. When I say a lot, I actually mean very little, but compared to what I knew before I'm calling it a lot. I always wanted to get All Wheel Drive, just because it seems cooler, but life led me down another path. In case you were curious, All Wheel Drive really is cooler. Better, Stronger, Faster, and definitely not $6 million dollars. Maybe next time.
Speaking of next time... we'll see you then!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
google video
Another thank you to Bill over at dubiousquality for another hilarious post. This time a link to a google video. If you decide to check it out, the real funny part starts about half way through:
Friday, January 13, 2006
Life, or something like it
Time is always against us. I know, you're probably expecting a little more from that comment. Sorry, that's it. Time is always against us. It's not that I don't want to say more. I'm just a little too lazy right now to think about it.
I was half paying attention to Jeopardy tonight when they mentioned the following: Back in his early years in the NBA Michael Jordan's coach told him that there is no "I" in "TEAM". To which Michael replied, "But there is an I in WIN". I can't vouch for the accuracy of it, but what can I say, I love Michael Jordan. I was never a big watcher of sports on TV, but in the mid-90's I got into basketball because of Michael Jordan and tried to never miss a game. I just loved to watch him play.
Speaking of TV, I finally watched last nights episode of "The Office". I'd like to say that I thought it was as funny as most people told me, but I just can't. The "foot" really ruined it for me. As much as I try to overcome it, I just don't like feet. Especially if that foots been cut and burned by a George Foreman grill. I actually worked my dinner around watching it, because I knew that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near food while I was watching.
Finally, I have to say that I hate driving in bad weather. Everyone on the road seems to forget how to drive. I was on the highway between Northampton and Hatfield and the amount of constant breaking everyone was doing, as well as the constant speed up to 70, slam on the breaks to get down to 50 really fast, speed back up, was driving me nuts. If there was anyone in the lane next to me I would have had an accident. At one point I had to slam on my breaks because the car in front of me - with noone in front of them - decided they had to slow down... fast. Since I then had to do the same, my car skid a little into the other lane. After that I just stayed far away from everyone. Earlier I was lucky enough to get behind this car on Elm street that thought it would be fun to stop at every crosswalk, even with no people waiting to cross. I found that immensely enjoyable as well. That and the fact that they seemed to be going exactly where I was going.
Now I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is looking to be less than ideal, but I'll get into that tomorrow. For now, I think I'll go to sleep. Another day...
I was half paying attention to Jeopardy tonight when they mentioned the following: Back in his early years in the NBA Michael Jordan's coach told him that there is no "I" in "TEAM". To which Michael replied, "But there is an I in WIN". I can't vouch for the accuracy of it, but what can I say, I love Michael Jordan. I was never a big watcher of sports on TV, but in the mid-90's I got into basketball because of Michael Jordan and tried to never miss a game. I just loved to watch him play.
Speaking of TV, I finally watched last nights episode of "The Office". I'd like to say that I thought it was as funny as most people told me, but I just can't. The "foot" really ruined it for me. As much as I try to overcome it, I just don't like feet. Especially if that foots been cut and burned by a George Foreman grill. I actually worked my dinner around watching it, because I knew that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near food while I was watching.
Finally, I have to say that I hate driving in bad weather. Everyone on the road seems to forget how to drive. I was on the highway between Northampton and Hatfield and the amount of constant breaking everyone was doing, as well as the constant speed up to 70, slam on the breaks to get down to 50 really fast, speed back up, was driving me nuts. If there was anyone in the lane next to me I would have had an accident. At one point I had to slam on my breaks because the car in front of me - with noone in front of them - decided they had to slow down... fast. Since I then had to do the same, my car skid a little into the other lane. After that I just stayed far away from everyone. Earlier I was lucky enough to get behind this car on Elm street that thought it would be fun to stop at every crosswalk, even with no people waiting to cross. I found that immensely enjoyable as well. That and the fact that they seemed to be going exactly where I was going.
Now I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is looking to be less than ideal, but I'll get into that tomorrow. For now, I think I'll go to sleep. Another day...
The Endless Forest
Bill over at dubiousquality had a post that I just couldn't help but find... amusing. Here it is:
The Endless Forest
Sometimes, an idea for a game comes along that is so breathtaking, so novel, that it stuns you.
Not necessarily in a good way, mind you.
And so it is with The Endless Forest.
Here's the game description(from the website:
You are a stag, a male deer. So are the other players. You meet each other in an endless forest on the internet. The setting is idyllic, the atmosphere peaceful. You communicate with one another through sounds and body language.
The Endless Forest is a virtual place where you can play with your friends. There are no goals to achieve or rules to follow. You just steer your deer through the forest and see what happens.
Currently The Endless Forest consists of a forest, a mysterious ruin and as many deer as there are players at any given time. You can play the game anonymously but we encourage you to name your deer so other players can recognize you. Although not goal-oriented, there are several activities that you can engage in. Nothing very demanding or violent. Just fun things to do in a nice environment.
Nothing personal, dudes, but if my friends are pretending to be deer in an online game, I'm getting new friends.
And what are the "activities" that can be "engaged" in? Why, white-knuckle moments like
--Lie down
--Stand up
--Rub a tree
See, this is exactly why I don't want to be a deer.
I know what you're thinking: I made this up. How I wish I had.
posted by Bill Harris @ 2:12 PM
The Endless Forest
Sometimes, an idea for a game comes along that is so breathtaking, so novel, that it stuns you.
Not necessarily in a good way, mind you.
And so it is with The Endless Forest.
Here's the game description(from the website:
You are a stag, a male deer. So are the other players. You meet each other in an endless forest on the internet. The setting is idyllic, the atmosphere peaceful. You communicate with one another through sounds and body language.
The Endless Forest is a virtual place where you can play with your friends. There are no goals to achieve or rules to follow. You just steer your deer through the forest and see what happens.
Currently The Endless Forest consists of a forest, a mysterious ruin and as many deer as there are players at any given time. You can play the game anonymously but we encourage you to name your deer so other players can recognize you. Although not goal-oriented, there are several activities that you can engage in. Nothing very demanding or violent. Just fun things to do in a nice environment.
Nothing personal, dudes, but if my friends are pretending to be deer in an online game, I'm getting new friends.
And what are the "activities" that can be "engaged" in? Why, white-knuckle moments like
--Lie down
--Stand up
--Rub a tree
See, this is exactly why I don't want to be a deer.
I know what you're thinking: I made this up. How I wish I had.
posted by Bill Harris @ 2:12 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Collector
My break from chess was rather short lived this time. It never happened. Although I was convinced that I needed one, I found that instead switching from playing 1.d4 to 1.e4 for a game was really all I needed. Just a little change. Sometimes it's enough.
Speaking of change, I'm a collector. I collect all kinds of change. I really have no logical reason for collecting change, so I guess it's more of an addiction. That or just some weird thing that I can't help but do, like most things in life. Kind of like noticing that someone has something stuck on their pants and trying to let them know. Though you'd expect that if you tell someone they have something stuck on their pants they'd be thankful for it. Instead what happens is that they think you're some weird freak for noticing they had something stuck on their pants in the first place. At least I don't collect things that people have stuck on their pants. That would be weird.
I enjoyed my day today - and I'm planning the same for tomorrow. Let's hope for the best!
Speaking of change, I'm a collector. I collect all kinds of change. I really have no logical reason for collecting change, so I guess it's more of an addiction. That or just some weird thing that I can't help but do, like most things in life. Kind of like noticing that someone has something stuck on their pants and trying to let them know. Though you'd expect that if you tell someone they have something stuck on their pants they'd be thankful for it. Instead what happens is that they think you're some weird freak for noticing they had something stuck on their pants in the first place. At least I don't collect things that people have stuck on their pants. That would be weird.
I enjoyed my day today - and I'm planning the same for tomorrow. Let's hope for the best!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I should know better.
I couldn't believe the cars in the lot at work again today. This time it started early. I got to work at 8 and already I had to park deep into the far lot. Usually you've got until about 8:15 or so until that happens. The nice thing about it is that it's a bit farther of a walk to the building, so when it's nice out it's not so bad to get a little extra exercise. Not that an extra minute or two of walking is really doing that much for you.
I've been really tired all week. I'm not sure if I'm fighting something or what. Donna's been out with the flu all week, and other's haven't been on the top of the world, so there's got to be a few things going around. I guess it's better than catching the flees or something. I worked out for my 3rd day this week too, which is also very good. If only I could eat better I might actually be on to something. With time, it will come. First I must find myself, then everything else will follow.
When I left work this evening it was raining out. The foggy, misty, wet kind. I was wearing my good coat too, the one that I really don't want to get wet. As I was walking down to get my car I started to think how much it really sucked that I was going to have to walk all the way around to the other lot to get it because, as usually, it didn't occur to me until I was half way to my car that I wasn't going to find it there. As I was getting closer to my car I started to wonder why my pants were starting to feel damp. It only took me a minute or so to realize that I was being an idiot. It was raining out.
I've been really tired all week. I'm not sure if I'm fighting something or what. Donna's been out with the flu all week, and other's haven't been on the top of the world, so there's got to be a few things going around. I guess it's better than catching the flees or something. I worked out for my 3rd day this week too, which is also very good. If only I could eat better I might actually be on to something. With time, it will come. First I must find myself, then everything else will follow.
When I left work this evening it was raining out. The foggy, misty, wet kind. I was wearing my good coat too, the one that I really don't want to get wet. As I was walking down to get my car I started to think how much it really sucked that I was going to have to walk all the way around to the other lot to get it because, as usually, it didn't occur to me until I was half way to my car that I wasn't going to find it there. As I was getting closer to my car I started to wonder why my pants were starting to feel damp. It only took me a minute or so to realize that I was being an idiot. It was raining out.
A terrible thing to waste!
I'm on a break from chess. I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but there it is. That doesn't mean that I won't play the quick game or anything, but I can already feel the rust. I'll be back, I always come back. I know that for me it's a game I'll be playing my entire life. My minds just not in it right now.
If you haven't checked out Sean's site (see my links section - The Central Oregon Chess Journal) then you missed out on a rare, one of a kind photo of yours truly. Here it is, reprinted without permission - which I don't feel at all bad about since it is about me:

Why do I bring this up? Because somebody, and I don't want to implicate anybrushway, thought it would look nice as a screensaver image on their computer. I must say, it's not exactly the demographic that I was hoping for. As for the picture itself, it was taken several years ago at the World Open chess tournament in Philadelphi at the Adams Mark Hotel. Which is, sadly, no longer in existence. It was always one of my favorite tournaments. The tournament itself still continues though, it is now held at a hotel in central philadelphia. I just haven't been able to convince myself to go to it. I loved the old location - though you still wouldn't catch me out after dark. Not exactly the safest of neighborhoods once you get down the street.
I told Kip today that I wouldn’t load myself up on sugar tonight. Not a big deal, or so I thought. Now that I finished eating dinner all I can think about is bad, bad food! I want sugar! I think I need to go to bed early tonight. It’ll help me forget. It’s for the best.
I went to bed last night before posting... so I guess you get a little extra. How about that! Although I am on a break from chess, I did play a game last night on the ICC against the strong (for me) computer ctd. I lost. But I really enjoy playing against it because even though it still kicks my butt, I know that someday I will be better than it is. So it's a challenge, and one that I know I will overcome with time. I love that! As for my loss, I think that part of my problem is when I'm playing chess against a stronger opponent I tend not to play my game. I try too hard not to lose, so I don't take chances. Regardless of your opponent, regardless of the result, you've got to play your game!
Enjoy the day!
If you haven't checked out Sean's site (see my links section - The Central Oregon Chess Journal) then you missed out on a rare, one of a kind photo of yours truly. Here it is, reprinted without permission - which I don't feel at all bad about since it is about me:

Why do I bring this up? Because somebody, and I don't want to implicate anybrushway, thought it would look nice as a screensaver image on their computer. I must say, it's not exactly the demographic that I was hoping for. As for the picture itself, it was taken several years ago at the World Open chess tournament in Philadelphi at the Adams Mark Hotel. Which is, sadly, no longer in existence. It was always one of my favorite tournaments. The tournament itself still continues though, it is now held at a hotel in central philadelphia. I just haven't been able to convince myself to go to it. I loved the old location - though you still wouldn't catch me out after dark. Not exactly the safest of neighborhoods once you get down the street.
I told Kip today that I wouldn’t load myself up on sugar tonight. Not a big deal, or so I thought. Now that I finished eating dinner all I can think about is bad, bad food! I want sugar! I think I need to go to bed early tonight. It’ll help me forget. It’s for the best.
I went to bed last night before posting... so I guess you get a little extra. How about that! Although I am on a break from chess, I did play a game last night on the ICC against the strong (for me) computer ctd. I lost. But I really enjoy playing against it because even though it still kicks my butt, I know that someday I will be better than it is. So it's a challenge, and one that I know I will overcome with time. I love that! As for my loss, I think that part of my problem is when I'm playing chess against a stronger opponent I tend not to play my game. I try too hard not to lose, so I don't take chances. Regardless of your opponent, regardless of the result, you've got to play your game!
Enjoy the day!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Ok, I figured out how to add links tonight. I wasn't in a big rush because I usually like to think of myself as the center of the universe, but Sean wanted to know. So now you can find a handy little link right to his site, The Central Oregon Chess Journal, from the links section on my page.
I hope you all had a good weekend!
I hope you all had a good weekend!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Oh What a Night
So I'm driving home from my mother's house, planning to stop at Walmart on the way to pick up "Wedding Crashers". I'm stopped at the intersection of Finn Street and Route 5 (King Street), at the light waiting to take a left onto King. The car in front of me takes a right, so I get right to the front of the line. The light, well, it's red. The car behind me wants to take a right so they start trying to edge around me. They can't. If you're familiar with that street, it's really a one lane. They start honking. And honking. And honking. I figured they just didn't realize that I could hear them, so I wave. Apparently they didn't see me wave, because they kept honking. I'm guessing that they wanted me to pull out into King street and get hit by an oncoming car so that they could take their right without waiting for the light. It didn't happen.
Walmart was uneventful, mostly. In addition to the movie I picked up birthday cards for my brother and sister, and an extra one. I just couldn't pass it up. It was great. I think it was the funniest card that I've ever seen. I can't talk about why right now, so I'll try to remember to follow up on that later next week. Until then, you'll just have to take my word for it.
As for Wedding Crashers... I loved it! So did my buddy Domino. He actually made it all the way through the movie, so we might catch another one tonight.
Hope you're having a great weekend! I'm not really expecting one - too much going on so not enough time for me. You know how much I love that me time!
Until next time,
Walmart was uneventful, mostly. In addition to the movie I picked up birthday cards for my brother and sister, and an extra one. I just couldn't pass it up. It was great. I think it was the funniest card that I've ever seen. I can't talk about why right now, so I'll try to remember to follow up on that later next week. Until then, you'll just have to take my word for it.
As for Wedding Crashers... I loved it! So did my buddy Domino. He actually made it all the way through the movie, so we might catch another one tonight.
Hope you're having a great weekend! I'm not really expecting one - too much going on so not enough time for me. You know how much I love that me time!
Until next time,
Thursday, January 05, 2006
The Change
It all got me thinking about Garth Brooks and his song... The Change
One hand Reaches out
And pulls a lost soul from harm
While a thousand more go unspoken for
They say what good have you done
By saving just this one
It's like whispering a prayer
In the fury of a storm
And I hear them saying you'll never change things
And no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world will know
That it will not change me
This heart Still believes
That love and mercy still exist
While all the hatred rage and so many say
That love is all but pointless in madness such as this
It's like trying to stop a fire
With the moisture from a kiss
And I hear them saying you'll never change things
And no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world will know
That it will not change me
As long as one heart still holds on
Then hope is never really gone
I hear them saying you'll never change things
And no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world we know
Never changes me
What I do is so
This world will know
That it will not change me
One hand Reaches out
And pulls a lost soul from harm
While a thousand more go unspoken for
They say what good have you done
By saving just this one
It's like whispering a prayer
In the fury of a storm
And I hear them saying you'll never change things
And no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world will know
That it will not change me
This heart Still believes
That love and mercy still exist
While all the hatred rage and so many say
That love is all but pointless in madness such as this
It's like trying to stop a fire
With the moisture from a kiss
And I hear them saying you'll never change things
And no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world will know
That it will not change me
As long as one heart still holds on
Then hope is never really gone
I hear them saying you'll never change things
And no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world we know
Never changes me
What I do is so
This world will know
That it will not change me
The Old Ways
It was the beginning and yet some clung to the old ways. The council knew that something had to be done. But what? Why the others were unable to accept the new ways was a closely guarded secret. Perhaps the Elder's knew. Even we, the great guardians of the pillars of hope and life were unable to pierce the veil of secrecy surrounding it. But we had a plan. Put together in complete secrecy and hopeful of it's potential success. All we needed was to convince one of the others to convert to the new ways. A test subject so that we could delve deeper into the minds of the others. To slowly convert them all to the new ways. We found the perfect test subject. Willing, though somewhat hesitant in his committment. Not completely unexpected, since the other's are not known for... I'm sorry, I've said to much. But we felt bad for them, wanted to give them a chance. Although it is not spoken anymore, they were once like us. And so the transformation began.
It failed. Terribly. Maybe it was a mistake to try to help them, to show them the new ways, but we had to try. We must move on. The others, they will surely not last very long. The old ways have no place here in the New Age. This will never be spoken of again. Project "Brushway" has failed and all of the records have been destroyed. As for our test subject, he won't remember a thing. The old ways were too strong in that one.
And so it begins...
It failed. Terribly. Maybe it was a mistake to try to help them, to show them the new ways, but we had to try. We must move on. The others, they will surely not last very long. The old ways have no place here in the New Age. This will never be spoken of again. Project "Brushway" has failed and all of the records have been destroyed. As for our test subject, he won't remember a thing. The old ways were too strong in that one.
And so it begins...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Serenity Now!
I watched the Firefly movie, Serenity, last night. I bought it over a week ago but I was having a hard time getting excited about it. When Firefly was on TV I wasn't too excited about it either. I watched a bunch of the episodes, but it never grabbed me as a "must watch". I believe it was back in 2002, on Friday nights. I used to also watch "John Doe" on Friday nights. It goes along with why I really don't watch much TV. I tend to get into the shows that are cancelled before they even get through a full season. It happens all the time to me. That's why I prefer DVD's. I make better choices. All the popular shows that I really love watching on DVD... I would have never picked them to watch on "normal" tv. This season I've been watching "Bones". It stars David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel. Is it going to make it? Maybe, but I have a feeling it won't last too long. Who knows? Plus, Emily is cute. Really, that's all I need.
So, back to the Firefly movie. Wow! I couldn't believe how much I really enjoyed watching it. I really don't think most people would like the movie, but I did. So I was pretty happy about that. Now the question is... will Kip like it? I think that he was the reason I got into firefly a little bit to begin with.
Brushway is working out again!!! It's a new year and about freaking time! I had so much energy this afternoon, it was great. I have no idea what happened. I went from headache blah morning, advil lunch, and kick ass afternoon. Well, not entirely true, but close enough. But when I got home after work that was it. I was dead. Since I had my guitar lesson tonight I really had to keep going though. So instead of letting myself fall asleep I decided to.... play a game of chess! It was, as is most often the case, against one of the computers on the ICC. I may post the game tomorrow, but I'm thinking about bed right now so it won't be tonight. The game was great though. I was surprised given how tired I was. But I focused, created some imbalances, worked on a plan to take advantage of what I felt was the primary imbalance that was in my favor, and slowly ground him down to take away the win! There you have it, the secret to better chess playing. Now don't you all go becoming little chess addicts on me now... unless you really want to.
Hmm, this post seems a little fractured and boring. Sorry, I'll have to try harder next time.
I keep wanting to post about SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) but haven't had the time to play around with it yet. Soon. Something to look forward to ;)
For now, let me get to sleep.
So, back to the Firefly movie. Wow! I couldn't believe how much I really enjoyed watching it. I really don't think most people would like the movie, but I did. So I was pretty happy about that. Now the question is... will Kip like it? I think that he was the reason I got into firefly a little bit to begin with.
Brushway is working out again!!! It's a new year and about freaking time! I had so much energy this afternoon, it was great. I have no idea what happened. I went from headache blah morning, advil lunch, and kick ass afternoon. Well, not entirely true, but close enough. But when I got home after work that was it. I was dead. Since I had my guitar lesson tonight I really had to keep going though. So instead of letting myself fall asleep I decided to.... play a game of chess! It was, as is most often the case, against one of the computers on the ICC. I may post the game tomorrow, but I'm thinking about bed right now so it won't be tonight. The game was great though. I was surprised given how tired I was. But I focused, created some imbalances, worked on a plan to take advantage of what I felt was the primary imbalance that was in my favor, and slowly ground him down to take away the win! There you have it, the secret to better chess playing. Now don't you all go becoming little chess addicts on me now... unless you really want to.
Hmm, this post seems a little fractured and boring. Sorry, I'll have to try harder next time.
I keep wanting to post about SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) but haven't had the time to play around with it yet. Soon. Something to look forward to ;)
For now, let me get to sleep.
Monday, January 02, 2006
My 2006 New Years Resolution... and other stories.
It has definitely been one of those weekends. It's just about over, but I'm ready for the real weekend now! Anyone with me? I think my cold decided it was going to take a few more days to slowly work its way out. Still, a little better every day. I played a little more chess than usual today, I felt like I've been avoiding it too much recently so I needed to get the rust off. It's still there, but better.
I was reading a little bit about a particular line in the Slav because I was completely crushed with it in one of my 2 games yesterday. So I happened to get into it again today. What are the odds? Actually, pretty good. So I still managed to completely misplay it, but came out winning a lost endgame because of a foolish knight move. One of the games I was most proud of was against my new nemesis minimardi on the ICC. It was an exciting game when I suddenly saw that I had a forced mate! I was pretty excited! I couldn't believe I was about to pull off such a stunning victory against minimardi. After a move I saw it, the rust! Yep, I didn't have a win on the board. In fact, I was now losing. As my luck would have it, minimardi then got disconnected, reconnected, and sat for its final 5 minutes before losing to me on time. Go figure! Since it is a computer, my only guess is that it's programming really hasn't been designed to handle disconnects/reconnects in the middle of a game. I'd show you the position, but I'm still feeling a bit lazy. Maybe some other time.
I've been thinking a lot about the new year. I had a big list of resolutions, goals, hopes, dreams and whatever else I could think of... but then I stopped myself. All of that stuff is great, but is it really worthy of a resolution? Of The New Year's Resolution? Since it's all about me, well, yes, it probably is worth it. And yet I hesitated. Paused. Pondered. Marinated... and even stewed. Finally, it hit me. All of that stuff is what I want, but not what I need. What I need... is to find myself!
My 2006 New Years Resolution is to find myself.
So buckle up and enjoy the ride!
I was reading a little bit about a particular line in the Slav because I was completely crushed with it in one of my 2 games yesterday. So I happened to get into it again today. What are the odds? Actually, pretty good. So I still managed to completely misplay it, but came out winning a lost endgame because of a foolish knight move. One of the games I was most proud of was against my new nemesis minimardi on the ICC. It was an exciting game when I suddenly saw that I had a forced mate! I was pretty excited! I couldn't believe I was about to pull off such a stunning victory against minimardi. After a move I saw it, the rust! Yep, I didn't have a win on the board. In fact, I was now losing. As my luck would have it, minimardi then got disconnected, reconnected, and sat for its final 5 minutes before losing to me on time. Go figure! Since it is a computer, my only guess is that it's programming really hasn't been designed to handle disconnects/reconnects in the middle of a game. I'd show you the position, but I'm still feeling a bit lazy. Maybe some other time.
I've been thinking a lot about the new year. I had a big list of resolutions, goals, hopes, dreams and whatever else I could think of... but then I stopped myself. All of that stuff is great, but is it really worthy of a resolution? Of The New Year's Resolution? Since it's all about me, well, yes, it probably is worth it. And yet I hesitated. Paused. Pondered. Marinated... and even stewed. Finally, it hit me. All of that stuff is what I want, but not what I need. What I need... is to find myself!
My 2006 New Years Resolution is to find myself.
So buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year
The knowledge of time, the wisdom of the ages, and the art of life. Here we are ready to begin yet another year in this great age of humanity. What will this new year bring? I am sure that it will bring many failed resolutions. It is the natural evolution of things. But what is more important, what gives us hope, are those resolutions that do not fail. As for me, mine will have to wait a little bit longer. My introduction to this wonderful new year... not so wonderful.
Friday morning, the beginning of a 4-day repreive from the daily machinations of work, I awoke with a cold. After doing a little research on the Internet, I also discovered that due to the medication that I am taking I shouldn't be using Advil, Dayquil, or Nyquil. My holy grail of health! I made it through the day playing "The Sims 2" and sleeping. The first day is never the worst.
Saturday, well, suck. I tried repeating the win-win formula of day 1, but the cold was much stronger. I did manage some "Sims 2" again, and snuck in an episode of "The O.C.", but my day was overshadowed by the constant nose blowing and, even worse, the headache. It was hurting so bad by 4pm that I had to sleep for a few hours. When I got up, within an hour it was even worse. I sat in front of the TV for a little while with an ice pack strapped to my head - thankfully I chose not to take any pictures! Finally, it must have been around 9pm, I had to go back to sleep. I just couldn't face the world anymore.
My sister, Traci, did go to the store for me and bring me some stuff around lunch time. So a big thank you to her for that!
And here we are, Sunday morning. I can feel the cold working it's way out, definitely making my way back to normal. I think I'll get there just in time to be back to work on Tuesday. Lucky me :). I suppose I can enjoy the symbology of it all. Ending a crappy year on a crappy note, and beginning a new year with mending and the hope for a better tomorrow.
This year really has the potential to be a great year for me. Can I do it? We'll see.
I hope you all have a happy new year, and may all of your dreams come true!
Friday morning, the beginning of a 4-day repreive from the daily machinations of work, I awoke with a cold. After doing a little research on the Internet, I also discovered that due to the medication that I am taking I shouldn't be using Advil, Dayquil, or Nyquil. My holy grail of health! I made it through the day playing "The Sims 2" and sleeping. The first day is never the worst.
Saturday, well, suck. I tried repeating the win-win formula of day 1, but the cold was much stronger. I did manage some "Sims 2" again, and snuck in an episode of "The O.C.", but my day was overshadowed by the constant nose blowing and, even worse, the headache. It was hurting so bad by 4pm that I had to sleep for a few hours. When I got up, within an hour it was even worse. I sat in front of the TV for a little while with an ice pack strapped to my head - thankfully I chose not to take any pictures! Finally, it must have been around 9pm, I had to go back to sleep. I just couldn't face the world anymore.
My sister, Traci, did go to the store for me and bring me some stuff around lunch time. So a big thank you to her for that!
And here we are, Sunday morning. I can feel the cold working it's way out, definitely making my way back to normal. I think I'll get there just in time to be back to work on Tuesday. Lucky me :). I suppose I can enjoy the symbology of it all. Ending a crappy year on a crappy note, and beginning a new year with mending and the hope for a better tomorrow.
This year really has the potential to be a great year for me. Can I do it? We'll see.
I hope you all have a happy new year, and may all of your dreams come true!
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