I was a little disappointed this holiday season at the lack of celebration around my favorite holiday - Chrismika. I suppose if you really stop to contemplate the validity of such a holiday, and compare it with the rest of the world's favorite holiday (Festivus) you'll find that you've got some issues. Festivus, I dare say, is cool. Unfortunately, in the world of fake holidays, I think it's too cool. So again I am at a loss. For a world that's supposed to be all about me it really seems to keep letting me down.
In other news - I forgot to mention that my sister eats with her mouth open. I know, not the kind of thing that I should be announcing to the world. Still, I felt you should know. She doesn't believe it, of course. So I took some pictures. I can't post them, I'd rather not make her mad. Come to think of it, she was getting mad simply because I kept pointing out when she had her mouth open. Denial, it's a terrible thing.
At work today Jim, Kip, and I went out to lunch. We got into my truck and I noticed what I thought was a distinguishable odor coming from the passenger side of my truck. It wasn't so unusual, Jim's had issues in the past. I won't discuss it in any specific detail because, heck, we've all had our issues ;). Finally, as we were getting down closer to King Street Jim opened up the window a crack. I thought to myself, finally! I didn't want to say anything and embarrass the guy, but wow! I was glad he noticed too. The smell stayed away until we got back to the hospital. I have no idea what it was, but it wasn't Jim. Jim was convinced that I had something dead and rotting in my truck, I was convinced it was Jim. Fortunately, we were both wrong. In the end... we laughed about it. While walking quickly away from the suffocating smell, of course.
Only a few days left for those New Years Resolutions. Get those lists ready!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
We got by with a little help from our friends
I won my first game against the computer "minimardi" on the ICC tonight. That makes my record against it 1 win, 3 losses, 0 draws. It was a nice finish, though I'll admit to playing a lot of moves simply trying to draw. The computer wanted nothing to do with that! Finally I decided sac my Knight for what turned out to be a crushing attack.
So, Christmas is over and another year is just around the corner. The good news, it's going to be a good one! I've been working out my New Years Resolutions. I know, you're only supposed to have one. But hey, it's me! I may decide to post them on New Years Eve. I think I feel a song coming on for the new year too. Yep, I can definitely sense the words forming in my head...
I did want to say a quick thank you to my family and friends. Just because it's all about me 365 days a year doesn't mean that it isn't all about you too!
... and to all a good night!
So, Christmas is over and another year is just around the corner. The good news, it's going to be a good one! I've been working out my New Years Resolutions. I know, you're only supposed to have one. But hey, it's me! I may decide to post them on New Years Eve. I think I feel a song coming on for the new year too. Yep, I can definitely sense the words forming in my head...
I did want to say a quick thank you to my family and friends. Just because it's all about me 365 days a year doesn't mean that it isn't all about you too!
... and to all a good night!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The good, the bad, and the crazy!
Bobby Fischer once said that with the White pieces he should be able to draw against the Almighty. We all know what happened to him. the great tragedy of chess. So it was with disbelief and dismay that I read the following article on "Wired":
Where Vesselin Topalov says the following:
"I see computers make mistakes, even if they aren't big ones," he said. "If you don't make a mistake, no one can beat you, not even God. It would have to be a draw."
Granted, there is some truth to his logic. In chess, if you play perfectly how can you lose? Still, for some reason, the statement troubled me. Come to think of it, the game of chess has yet to be solved. How do we know that for sure? What if, with perfect play, it is always a win for the player that moves first? What if, by White playing the "Borowski-Fischer" Gambit in the Ruy Lopez which is known to be perfect, he is faced with the "Tobin-Topalov" Counter Gambit and is faced with a forced mate in 75?
What if maybe, just maybe, I'm a little crazy too?
It's ok, I'll get over it.
Where Vesselin Topalov says the following:
"I see computers make mistakes, even if they aren't big ones," he said. "If you don't make a mistake, no one can beat you, not even God. It would have to be a draw."
Granted, there is some truth to his logic. In chess, if you play perfectly how can you lose? Still, for some reason, the statement troubled me. Come to think of it, the game of chess has yet to be solved. How do we know that for sure? What if, with perfect play, it is always a win for the player that moves first? What if, by White playing the "Borowski-Fischer" Gambit in the Ruy Lopez which is known to be perfect, he is faced with the "Tobin-Topalov" Counter Gambit and is faced with a forced mate in 75?
What if maybe, just maybe, I'm a little crazy too?
It's ok, I'll get over it.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Back to School!
Wow, I almost forgot to mention. It looks like I'm going back to school! It turns out that I'm still an active student at Westfield State College, and I only need 4 classes to graduate with my Bachelor's Degree. Someone must be smiling down upon me today. One of the long lost goals of my life is finally in sight once again. I'll be heading down in about two weeks to try to sign up for classes. It's looking like the Senior Project and a possible second class for the spring. We'll see. But either way, at least I'm back on track.
As we like to say in the techno-geek-babbleese:
Hello World!
As we like to say in the techno-geek-babbleese:
Hello World!
It was a beginning
Actually, it was more like he really, really, really wants to come but I'll need to keep pushing him to make sure he does. And even then, he may still decide to pull a "Brushway". Am I up for the challenge? Most definitely.
If you're not sure what I'm talking about, I'm sure you're not alone!
Still, thanks for being there!
And in case you've forgotten:
The Wheel of Time turns and ages come and pass
Leaving memories that become legend
Legend fades to myth
And even Myth is long forgotten before the age that gave it birth comes again
... It wasn't the beginning, for there are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.
(Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time)
If you're not sure what I'm talking about, I'm sure you're not alone!
Still, thanks for being there!
And in case you've forgotten:
The Wheel of Time turns and ages come and pass
Leaving memories that become legend
Legend fades to myth
And even Myth is long forgotten before the age that gave it birth comes again
... It wasn't the beginning, for there are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.
(Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time)
Monday, December 19, 2005
Elise Plays Chess!
From the dangerous depths of my mind I have pulled together the game that Elise and I played today at the Christmas Party. I'm pretty sure it's accurate, though I can't guarantee that I didn't mess up a move order somewhere. Specifically, I wasn't certain if I had played c3 prior to moving my Bishop to b5.
Ed Borowski vs Elise Ames
1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 e6 3. Bf4 Nc6 {a bit too passive, making it difficult to activate the light squared bishop and limiting the early usefulness of the c7 pawn. More common is Nf6 or Bd6 keeping the options open.} ** see diagram below

4. e3 Nf6 5. c3 Bd6 6. Bg3 Bxg3 7. hxg3 O-O 8. Bb5 Ne4 9. Nbd2 a6 10. Bxc6 bxc6 11. Nxe4 dxe4 12.Ne5 Bb7 {notice how black's position is getting difficult with weak pawns on the c and e-files, and the open h-file giving White attacking possibilities against the Black King. Of course, then there's the Knight controlling the center of the board. } ** see diagram below

13. Qg4 f5 14. Qh5 h6 15. O-O-O Qd5 16. c4 Qd8 17. g4 Qg5 18. Qxg5 hxg5 19. Rh5 fxg4 20. Rdh1 g6 {I missed a mate in 4 for White. Can you find it?} ** see diagram

21. Rxg5 (21. Rh6 Rfd8 22.Rh8+ Kg7 23. R1h7+ Kf6 24. Rf7#) 21... Rf6 22. Rh6 Kg7 23. Rhxg6+ Rxg6 24.Rxg6+ {And White went on to win.} 1-0
And there you have it. The game of the day!
I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a good night!
Ed Borowski vs Elise Ames
1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 e6 3. Bf4 Nc6 {a bit too passive, making it difficult to activate the light squared bishop and limiting the early usefulness of the c7 pawn. More common is Nf6 or Bd6 keeping the options open.} ** see diagram below

4. e3 Nf6 5. c3 Bd6 6. Bg3 Bxg3 7. hxg3 O-O 8. Bb5 Ne4 9. Nbd2 a6 10. Bxc6 bxc6 11. Nxe4 dxe4 12.Ne5 Bb7 {notice how black's position is getting difficult with weak pawns on the c and e-files, and the open h-file giving White attacking possibilities against the Black King. Of course, then there's the Knight controlling the center of the board. } ** see diagram below

13. Qg4 f5 14. Qh5 h6 15. O-O-O Qd5 16. c4 Qd8 17. g4 Qg5 18. Qxg5 hxg5 19. Rh5 fxg4 20. Rdh1 g6 {I missed a mate in 4 for White. Can you find it?} ** see diagram

21. Rxg5 (21. Rh6 Rfd8 22.Rh8+ Kg7 23. R1h7+ Kf6 24. Rf7#) 21... Rf6 22. Rh6 Kg7 23. Rhxg6+ Rxg6 24.Rxg6+ {And White went on to win.} 1-0
And there you have it. The game of the day!
I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a good night!
The Twilight's Last Gleaming
I must say, I've really been enjoying some of Garth Brook's songs from his "Walmart" special albumn in his box set - the CD is entitled "The Lost Sessions". One of my favorites is called "American Dream". It's short and sweet clocking in at 1:54, with very little vocals. Tears anyone? My other favorites include "For A Minute There", "Allison Miranda", and "Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream".
Speaking of tears, and the pathetic little sissy-boy that I apparently am, I watched "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" this weekend. As if that wasn't bad enough... I cried. That little girl just stole the show. I won't get into details just in case you decide to watch it. I had thought about buying the movie when I came out a little while back but I just couldn't convince myself to walk out with it in my hands. It just felt... weird. How could I possibly like a movie called "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"? But after Gayle told me it was good and that I'd like it, I started to have second thoughts. My sister had it and told me she'd loan it to me. Apparently she forgot. So I watched it on Pay-Per-View.
And speaking of "Allison Miranda":
On a two lane north of casper
is where this song begins
heading back to Oklahoma
for a week to visit friends
She was walking along the highway
so I pulled off to the side
and asked her if she needed a ride
Ever notice that's how all the great stories start... by saying yes! But nooooooo, when somebody offers me a ride what do I say? No. I'm a freaking genius! I'd rather walk... who am I kidding? Granted the odds were 376,543,299:1 that she was just being nice, but that's ok. I think those are pretty good odds for me!
Now, we can't forget about chess! Lots of chess going on in the world. The FIDE World Cup is over, with our hero Gata Kamsky finishing 9th. Not bad considering he's been out of chess for the past 10 years. Today we managed to fit a few games into our Christmas Party. The first willing participant, Chris from the VNA, tried some scare tactics and stories of the many men that had fallen to his deadly opening mate-in-7. We played two games before he and John had to run back to the VNA. Unfortunately they couldn't stay for the whole party. How did Chris and his masterful mate-in-7 fare against such a meager opponent as myself? He fell, twice.
Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Nick decided to try his hand. He started out strong, playing a few reasonable opening moves, but he too fell. Then Mr. Morris, in a surprise move that will be talked about for years to come, sat down to play. I did bring a second board with me, so it was a little disappointing that noone grabbed it and tried to play each other. But instead everyone wanted to simply bring me down. As for Kipling I offered the ultimate sacrifice. While poised at the edge of eternal darkness, someone suggested that we flip the board around to see if I could survive. Honorable Knight that he is, Kip politely declined and faced certain death. He fell.
Not to dismiss any of the games played today, but the last was the most exciting. Sue told me that Elise used to play at the chess club years ago and that I should play her. Elise agreed. I could tell that she knew how to play the game. Although she did get the worst of the opening due to some exchanges that left her with doubled pawns and my knight in a strong central outpost, she defended well and could identify the problems with her position. In the end she wasn't able to overcome those weaknesses, but it was an exciting game.
All in all, a lot of fun.
Speaking of fun, I actually played a game at the chess club this Saturday! For your enjoyment:
[Event "PVCC Skittles Game"]
[Date "2005.12.17"]
[White "McDonald, Enrique"]
[Black "Borowski, Edwin"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B34"]
[WhiteElo "1370"]
[BlackElo "1882"]
{The following game was played at the Pioneer Valley Chess Club on Saturday,December 17, 2005 without the use of a clock.} 1. e4 {Before the game I waslooking over the position that occurs after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 so I was alittle surprised to see Enrique play 1.e4. Then again, I don't watch hisgames too closely so he may be an e4 player.} c5 2. Nc3 {avoiding the linesthat I had been studying. Years ago I used to be an avid closed sicilian player, before I switched to the dark side. Still, my path is clear.} Nc6 3.Nf3 g6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Bg7 6. Be3 d6 7. Qd2 {a little too early I think, though not necessarily a bad move.} Bd7 8. Bc4 Nf69. Bh6 $4 {a blunder. do you see it?} Bxh6 10. Qxh6 (10. Nxc6 Bxd2+) 10...Nxd4 11. Qg7 Rf8 (11... Rg8 12. Qxf7#) (11... Rg8 12. Bxf7#) 12. O-O-O Ne6 13.Bxe6 fxe6 14. e5 Ng4 15. Qxh7 Nxe5 16. Rhf1 Bc6 17. f4 Nc4 18. Qxg6+ Kd7 19.Rfe1 Rf6 20. Qd3 Nb6 21. Qg3 Nd5 22. Nxd5 Bxd5 23. Qh3 Qh8 24. Qe3 Qxh2 25. g3Qh5 26. Qa3 a6 27. Rd3 Rc8 28. Qb4 Qf5 29. Red1 Rc5 30. Rc3 Rxc3 31. Qxc3 Rf832. Qb4 Rc8 33. c3 Qe4 34. Rd4 Qe1+ 35. Rd1 Qxg3 36. f5 Qg5+ 37. Rd2 Qxf5 38.Rxd5 {forgetting that after Qxd5 the b7 square will be protected.} Qxd5 {white resigns} 0-1
As for "The Twilight's Last Gleaming" well, heck, isn't that what it's all about?
Until next time, Ed.
Speaking of tears, and the pathetic little sissy-boy that I apparently am, I watched "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" this weekend. As if that wasn't bad enough... I cried. That little girl just stole the show. I won't get into details just in case you decide to watch it. I had thought about buying the movie when I came out a little while back but I just couldn't convince myself to walk out with it in my hands. It just felt... weird. How could I possibly like a movie called "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"? But after Gayle told me it was good and that I'd like it, I started to have second thoughts. My sister had it and told me she'd loan it to me. Apparently she forgot. So I watched it on Pay-Per-View.
And speaking of "Allison Miranda":
On a two lane north of casper
is where this song begins
heading back to Oklahoma
for a week to visit friends
She was walking along the highway
so I pulled off to the side
and asked her if she needed a ride
Ever notice that's how all the great stories start... by saying yes! But nooooooo, when somebody offers me a ride what do I say? No. I'm a freaking genius! I'd rather walk... who am I kidding? Granted the odds were 376,543,299:1 that she was just being nice, but that's ok. I think those are pretty good odds for me!
Now, we can't forget about chess! Lots of chess going on in the world. The FIDE World Cup is over, with our hero Gata Kamsky finishing 9th. Not bad considering he's been out of chess for the past 10 years. Today we managed to fit a few games into our Christmas Party. The first willing participant, Chris from the VNA, tried some scare tactics and stories of the many men that had fallen to his deadly opening mate-in-7. We played two games before he and John had to run back to the VNA. Unfortunately they couldn't stay for the whole party. How did Chris and his masterful mate-in-7 fare against such a meager opponent as myself? He fell, twice.
Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Nick decided to try his hand. He started out strong, playing a few reasonable opening moves, but he too fell. Then Mr. Morris, in a surprise move that will be talked about for years to come, sat down to play. I did bring a second board with me, so it was a little disappointing that noone grabbed it and tried to play each other. But instead everyone wanted to simply bring me down. As for Kipling I offered the ultimate sacrifice. While poised at the edge of eternal darkness, someone suggested that we flip the board around to see if I could survive. Honorable Knight that he is, Kip politely declined and faced certain death. He fell.
Not to dismiss any of the games played today, but the last was the most exciting. Sue told me that Elise used to play at the chess club years ago and that I should play her. Elise agreed. I could tell that she knew how to play the game. Although she did get the worst of the opening due to some exchanges that left her with doubled pawns and my knight in a strong central outpost, she defended well and could identify the problems with her position. In the end she wasn't able to overcome those weaknesses, but it was an exciting game.
All in all, a lot of fun.
Speaking of fun, I actually played a game at the chess club this Saturday! For your enjoyment:
[Event "PVCC Skittles Game"]
[Date "2005.12.17"]
[White "McDonald, Enrique"]
[Black "Borowski, Edwin"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B34"]
[WhiteElo "1370"]
[BlackElo "1882"]
{The following game was played at the Pioneer Valley Chess Club on Saturday,December 17, 2005 without the use of a clock.} 1. e4 {Before the game I waslooking over the position that occurs after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 so I was alittle surprised to see Enrique play 1.e4. Then again, I don't watch hisgames too closely so he may be an e4 player.} c5 2. Nc3 {avoiding the linesthat I had been studying. Years ago I used to be an avid closed sicilian player, before I switched to the dark side. Still, my path is clear.} Nc6 3.Nf3 g6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Bg7 6. Be3 d6 7. Qd2 {a little too early I think, though not necessarily a bad move.} Bd7 8. Bc4 Nf69. Bh6 $4 {a blunder. do you see it?} Bxh6 10. Qxh6 (10. Nxc6 Bxd2+) 10...Nxd4 11. Qg7 Rf8 (11... Rg8 12. Qxf7#) (11... Rg8 12. Bxf7#) 12. O-O-O Ne6 13.Bxe6 fxe6 14. e5 Ng4 15. Qxh7 Nxe5 16. Rhf1 Bc6 17. f4 Nc4 18. Qxg6+ Kd7 19.Rfe1 Rf6 20. Qd3 Nb6 21. Qg3 Nd5 22. Nxd5 Bxd5 23. Qh3 Qh8 24. Qe3 Qxh2 25. g3Qh5 26. Qa3 a6 27. Rd3 Rc8 28. Qb4 Qf5 29. Red1 Rc5 30. Rc3 Rxc3 31. Qxc3 Rf832. Qb4 Rc8 33. c3 Qe4 34. Rd4 Qe1+ 35. Rd1 Qxg3 36. f5 Qg5+ 37. Rd2 Qxf5 38.Rxd5 {forgetting that after Qxd5 the b7 square will be protected.} Qxd5 {white resigns} 0-1
As for "The Twilight's Last Gleaming" well, heck, isn't that what it's all about?
Until next time, Ed.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
The not-so-handy man can!
I watched "Melinda and Melinda" tonight. It was the movie I was talking about yesterday that I was pretty excited about. How was it? I really don't know. I didn't really like it that much, but I don't want to admit it. That and I'm trying to avoid four letter words tonight.
So, earlier today when I got home I was thinking about making some dinner. I was strongly considering making some rice, or possibly some pasta. Not the complicated real stuff you might be familiar with, the kind that comes in boxes or other packages. My skills are limited. Boil water, add contents and stir. I can do that. Unfortunately, I was the recipient of a nasty smell. I just couldn't figure it out. I was convinced that it was coming from my sink, so I cleaned it. The smell just wouldn't go away. So I did what any self respecting not-so-handy man would do... I ignored it. Oh, and I ordered Domino's too. Who wants to cook in a smelly kitchen?
Later, as I was getting some water out of the fridge, I happened to step on something. I figured it was the wrapping from my DVD that must have missed the trash or something. Nope, a little bit of water. I looked a little closer and, as my luck would have it, that little bit of water was a huge puddle in my kitchen. Then the light when off. This has happened before. It's been sooooo long that I forgot all about it. If I don't periodically run my dishwasher then dirty, smelly, disgusting water slowly backs up in it until finally it starts leaking out all over my kitchen floor. It's a very slow process, I think it's been a year since the last great flood.
At least, once identified, it's a problem that's familiar to me, and one that I know how to fix. Running the dishwasher through a cycle and cleaning all the water off the floor. Magic!
Speaking of magic, I've got a few more spells to cast.
Enjoy you're night, I know I am!
So, earlier today when I got home I was thinking about making some dinner. I was strongly considering making some rice, or possibly some pasta. Not the complicated real stuff you might be familiar with, the kind that comes in boxes or other packages. My skills are limited. Boil water, add contents and stir. I can do that. Unfortunately, I was the recipient of a nasty smell. I just couldn't figure it out. I was convinced that it was coming from my sink, so I cleaned it. The smell just wouldn't go away. So I did what any self respecting not-so-handy man would do... I ignored it. Oh, and I ordered Domino's too. Who wants to cook in a smelly kitchen?
Later, as I was getting some water out of the fridge, I happened to step on something. I figured it was the wrapping from my DVD that must have missed the trash or something. Nope, a little bit of water. I looked a little closer and, as my luck would have it, that little bit of water was a huge puddle in my kitchen. Then the light when off. This has happened before. It's been sooooo long that I forgot all about it. If I don't periodically run my dishwasher then dirty, smelly, disgusting water slowly backs up in it until finally it starts leaking out all over my kitchen floor. It's a very slow process, I think it's been a year since the last great flood.
At least, once identified, it's a problem that's familiar to me, and one that I know how to fix. Running the dishwasher through a cycle and cleaning all the water off the floor. Magic!
Speaking of magic, I've got a few more spells to cast.
Enjoy you're night, I know I am!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Chess, The Girl, and The Island
Apparently I'm not all that I thought I was cracked up to be. Nope, not even close. I showed Bob my chess problem today (posted a few days ago) and asked him if he could find the mate in two. He looked at it, and said "If I put my queen here that's check.". Then he thought about it for a minute and said "no, I think that's checkmate.". So there you have it, Mate in 1 not 2 as I had suggested. I am a little surprised that my friends out in Oregon didn't have anything to say about that one... sleeping on the job again? As for me, well, I guess it's time to get back to my studies. I wonder if Bob's taking students?
For some reason I always forget when I park my truck in the closer lot at work. I was following this girl down to the lower lot tonight (6:30pm, it was cold and dark out), and as we got close to her vehicle (because it was the only one near where she was walking to - I was probably about 10 feet behind) I realized that mine wasn't around. Oops. I didn't want to seem like some weird crazy stalker or anything so I did the only think I could think of. I spoke. I know, usually a mistake. In this particular case, she offered me a ride back to my truck, which I politely turned down. What can I say, I'm an idiot.
I watched "The Island", courtesy of Kip, tonight when I got home from my guitar lesson and WalMart trip, so that was about 9pm. It was a longer movie at 2:15, but if you like sci-fi I actually enjoyed it. I also picked up a new movie while I was at WalMart. I haven't watched it yet so I can't talk about it. That and I can't remember what it was. I know, lame. What can I say? I'm a movie addict.
For some reason I always forget when I park my truck in the closer lot at work. I was following this girl down to the lower lot tonight (6:30pm, it was cold and dark out), and as we got close to her vehicle (because it was the only one near where she was walking to - I was probably about 10 feet behind) I realized that mine wasn't around. Oops. I didn't want to seem like some weird crazy stalker or anything so I did the only think I could think of. I spoke. I know, usually a mistake. In this particular case, she offered me a ride back to my truck, which I politely turned down. What can I say, I'm an idiot.
I watched "The Island", courtesy of Kip, tonight when I got home from my guitar lesson and WalMart trip, so that was about 9pm. It was a longer movie at 2:15, but if you like sci-fi I actually enjoyed it. I also picked up a new movie while I was at WalMart. I haven't watched it yet so I can't talk about it. That and I can't remember what it was. I know, lame. What can I say? I'm a movie addict.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
The Brushway
Today was a long but interesting day. I'm not really sure where to begin, so how about the beginning. This morning I watched "Knights of the South Bronx" on my TIVO. I had recorded it from earlier this week when it was on A&E. It was a made for TV movie starring Ted Danson based upon a true story. I hate to admit it, but yes, tears fell from my eyes. If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check it out.
I talked with Kip this morning. He's back from Foxwoods and taking some time to recover. I won't go into details, that's his story, so let's hope he decides to tell it.
I slept for a few hours this afternoon. It's probably because I couldn't get myself out of bed at 5am to go workout with Donna. I have to say that I've really been feeling much better again since I've been getting back to the wellness center. The toughest part is knowing that it's a long road ahead. The good news is, it gets easier every day.
Pam was expecting me at around 3:30 today. I'm pretty sure it was shortly after 4:30 when I finally showed up. We did some work on her laptop, ate some pizza that she had orderred from Joe's Cafe, and then I rushed out to the Chess Club to play in the tournament at 6pm. I made it with a minute to spare.
It was an unrated game in 30 event with Larry Williams at the Helm. We had 9 players to start with and there was a $5 entry fee to play. The pairings for Round 1 were pulled out of a hat, with Jesse Cross-Nickerson (and I may have totally hacked up his name because I don't really know it) getting a 1 point bye since we had an odd number of players. I pulled out Antonio Laudati and as we drew for colors he picked White. I won a piece early on in the game and soon blundered it away, followed by my winning of a pawn, almost losing it again, and finally winning on time. Though at that point I had a win on the board as well. At some point during the 1st Round Paul Sarrazine showed up, so we gave him a bye and put him in for Round 2.
Round 2 I was paired against JC (Jesse whose name I don't know how to spell). Without getting into too many details, I played a solid game and won. I think I've talked about this in the past, but I've never been able to fully comprehend the phenomenon of why so many players with lower ratings or no ratings at all are certain that they are better than me. Last time I checked, I really don't suck that bad. Anyway, after the game JC says to me, "Guess that's what happens when you stop playing for a month". Although I wasn't convinced that a month would have helped him so much, I decided to pull a "Brushway" and keep my mouth shut.
After round 2 I was tied with Larry Williams for 1st place with 2 points. Paul Sarrazine had 1.5, and there was a big group with 1 (yes, some with 0 too). In Round 3 Larry and I drew our game which left us tied for 1st place, waiting on the results of Paul Sarrazine and Tom Smith. Paul and Tom ended up drawing an exciting game, which left Larry and I alone at the top. The last round produced some exciting games, most notably Paul and Tom which had a 3-pawn vs knight and pawn ending, and Dave Hall vs Enrique McDonald with a kingside slugfest of tactics that finally brought Dave Hall a very nice win.
So a big thank you to Tom Smith for organizing a small but fun event, Larry Williams for directing, and JC for taking a month off so I could win. For your enjoyment, here's the game I played against JC:
[Event "PVCC G/30"]
[Site "Northampon Burger King"]
[Date "2005.12.10"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Borowski, Edwin"]
[Black "JC"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Bf4 Nf6 4. e3 c5 5. c3 Nc66. Bd3 h6 7. Nbd2 cxd4 8. exd4 Bd6 9. Bxd6 Qxd6 10. Qe2 Bd7 11. Ne5 O-O 12. O-ORac8 13. f4 Ne7 14. g4 Nh7 15. Rae1 f5 16. Nxd7 Qxd7 17. Qxe6+ Qxe6 18. Rxe6Rce8 19. Rfe1 fxg4 20. Rxe7 Rxe7 21. Rxe7 Rxf4 22. Bxh7+ Kxh7 23. Rxb7 h5 24.Rxa7 h4 25. Re7 g3 26. hxg3 hxg3 27. Re2 Kg6 28. Kg2 Rg4 29. Nf3 Kh5 30. Re5+Kg6 31. Rxd5 Kf6 32. Re5 g5 33. Kh3 Rh4+ 34. Nxh4 gxh4 35. a4 Kg6 36. a5 1-0
Until next time,
I talked with Kip this morning. He's back from Foxwoods and taking some time to recover. I won't go into details, that's his story, so let's hope he decides to tell it.
I slept for a few hours this afternoon. It's probably because I couldn't get myself out of bed at 5am to go workout with Donna. I have to say that I've really been feeling much better again since I've been getting back to the wellness center. The toughest part is knowing that it's a long road ahead. The good news is, it gets easier every day.
Pam was expecting me at around 3:30 today. I'm pretty sure it was shortly after 4:30 when I finally showed up. We did some work on her laptop, ate some pizza that she had orderred from Joe's Cafe, and then I rushed out to the Chess Club to play in the tournament at 6pm. I made it with a minute to spare.
It was an unrated game in 30 event with Larry Williams at the Helm. We had 9 players to start with and there was a $5 entry fee to play. The pairings for Round 1 were pulled out of a hat, with Jesse Cross-Nickerson (and I may have totally hacked up his name because I don't really know it) getting a 1 point bye since we had an odd number of players. I pulled out Antonio Laudati and as we drew for colors he picked White. I won a piece early on in the game and soon blundered it away, followed by my winning of a pawn, almost losing it again, and finally winning on time. Though at that point I had a win on the board as well. At some point during the 1st Round Paul Sarrazine showed up, so we gave him a bye and put him in for Round 2.
Round 2 I was paired against JC (Jesse whose name I don't know how to spell). Without getting into too many details, I played a solid game and won. I think I've talked about this in the past, but I've never been able to fully comprehend the phenomenon of why so many players with lower ratings or no ratings at all are certain that they are better than me. Last time I checked, I really don't suck that bad. Anyway, after the game JC says to me, "Guess that's what happens when you stop playing for a month". Although I wasn't convinced that a month would have helped him so much, I decided to pull a "Brushway" and keep my mouth shut.
After round 2 I was tied with Larry Williams for 1st place with 2 points. Paul Sarrazine had 1.5, and there was a big group with 1 (yes, some with 0 too). In Round 3 Larry and I drew our game which left us tied for 1st place, waiting on the results of Paul Sarrazine and Tom Smith. Paul and Tom ended up drawing an exciting game, which left Larry and I alone at the top. The last round produced some exciting games, most notably Paul and Tom which had a 3-pawn vs knight and pawn ending, and Dave Hall vs Enrique McDonald with a kingside slugfest of tactics that finally brought Dave Hall a very nice win.
So a big thank you to Tom Smith for organizing a small but fun event, Larry Williams for directing, and JC for taking a month off so I could win. For your enjoyment, here's the game I played against JC:
[Event "PVCC G/30"]
[Site "Northampon Burger King"]
[Date "2005.12.10"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Borowski, Edwin"]
[Black "JC"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Bf4 Nf6 4. e3 c5 5. c3 Nc66. Bd3 h6 7. Nbd2 cxd4 8. exd4 Bd6 9. Bxd6 Qxd6 10. Qe2 Bd7 11. Ne5 O-O 12. O-ORac8 13. f4 Ne7 14. g4 Nh7 15. Rae1 f5 16. Nxd7 Qxd7 17. Qxe6+ Qxe6 18. Rxe6Rce8 19. Rfe1 fxg4 20. Rxe7 Rxe7 21. Rxe7 Rxf4 22. Bxh7+ Kxh7 23. Rxb7 h5 24.Rxa7 h4 25. Re7 g3 26. hxg3 hxg3 27. Re2 Kg6 28. Kg2 Rg4 29. Nf3 Kh5 30. Re5+Kg6 31. Rxd5 Kf6 32. Re5 g5 33. Kh3 Rh4+ 34. Nxh4 gxh4 35. a4 Kg6 36. a5 1-0
Until next time,
Friday, December 09, 2005
Drivers "Ed"
The traffic light had just turned red as I pull to a stop at the corner of Main and South. I wanted to take a right to head towards my mothers house and figured I'd take it easy given the weather. Since there were cars going through the Intersection and people waiting to cross the street I figured I'd wait until I had the green light. First it was the cars waiting on State Street to my left, then the people crossing Main Street as the cars on the other side took their left down South. Finally the light turned green for everyone going straight, and the people started crossing South as they had their walk sign. The light would be turning green any second.
As I prepared to inch forward, I was immediately cut off by this car coming from somewhere behind me. They pulled right in front of me and stopped, having to wait for the people to cross the street. I'm not exactly sure how this happened, other than they must of decided that I was an ass for waiting and decided to cut through the lane going straight to cut me off at the turn. I could tell you all the thoughts going through my mind at this point, but it's for the best if you simply use your imagination. Trust me, mine's better!
The light turns green and I immediately decide to pull a Brushway. I accelerate quickly and find myself very close to their car and I really, really, really want to push the gas and see how far I can make them fly. Instead I find myself contemplating the poor road conditions and decide that I'm just being stupid. Which, by the way, ruined the Brushway. So I back off and follow them at a safe distance. As I see them prepare to get into the mini-left lane to go down Old South Street, I proceed to drive as fast as possible past them. All the while thinking nasty, nasty thoughts. I don't think I'll ever understand why there are so many idiot drivers out there.
What can I say. Welcome to Winter!
Enjoy the ride.
As I prepared to inch forward, I was immediately cut off by this car coming from somewhere behind me. They pulled right in front of me and stopped, having to wait for the people to cross the street. I'm not exactly sure how this happened, other than they must of decided that I was an ass for waiting and decided to cut through the lane going straight to cut me off at the turn. I could tell you all the thoughts going through my mind at this point, but it's for the best if you simply use your imagination. Trust me, mine's better!
The light turns green and I immediately decide to pull a Brushway. I accelerate quickly and find myself very close to their car and I really, really, really want to push the gas and see how far I can make them fly. Instead I find myself contemplating the poor road conditions and decide that I'm just being stupid. Which, by the way, ruined the Brushway. So I back off and follow them at a safe distance. As I see them prepare to get into the mini-left lane to go down Old South Street, I proceed to drive as fast as possible past them. All the while thinking nasty, nasty thoughts. I don't think I'll ever understand why there are so many idiot drivers out there.
What can I say. Welcome to Winter!
Enjoy the ride.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Bad Day?
How many negatives does it take to constitute a bad day? None, really. It's a state of mind. Overall, I wouldn't consider today a bad day... but it had it's moments! Let me count the ways...
How was your day?
- 11.5 hours at work
- Only had half a lunch (half a turkey sandwhich)
- Jim and Gayle wanted the other half, but I didn't have half to give
(Reserved for Donna) (Reserved for Donna too) - Happened to catch a guy shaving a guy on TV before giving him a babies foot tattoo
- Went to my guitar lesson to find a note saying that it was cancelled
- Got home to find a message on my machine saying it was cancelled
- Played poker... badly!
- The power of 3 turned to 4, and I realized that somehow my odds actually got worse. Oh, and hell froze over!
How was your day?
Say it ain't so
Down to the final 16, Gata Kamsky lost his first game against Alexander Grischuk, now needing to win with White today or be eliminated. Jet Li announced that "Fearless" will be his last martial arts film. Oh, and by the way, Hell froze over.
Welcome to Wednesday!
Welcome to Wednesday!
Monday, December 05, 2005
The agony
Wow!!! Better yet, shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. I just played the game of my freaking life on the Internet Chess Club, to freaking blunder away into a stalemate with 23 seconds left on my clock. I was playing against one of the computers rated about 200 points higher than me, and I had an amazing position.
What can I say, it's not only the movies that make me cry! Looks like I'll be crying myself to sleep again tonight. shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. And to think, I was coming off of a good poker night where I came in 1st and 2nd out of 4 $10 sit-and-go's.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.
So, enjoy my pain... mate in 2, but I blow it away in 1!!!
My boneheaded move... Qxb5?? stalemate. Can you find the mate in 2? Still, it was an amazing game and, until the last minute, I was thrilled with my play.
Enjoy your night... too late for me ;).
What can I say, it's not only the movies that make me cry! Looks like I'll be crying myself to sleep again tonight. shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. And to think, I was coming off of a good poker night where I came in 1st and 2nd out of 4 $10 sit-and-go's.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.
So, enjoy my pain... mate in 2, but I blow it away in 1!!!

Enjoy your night... too late for me ;).
Secondhand Lions
Taken from the pages of Amazon.com...
Editorial Reviews
If you can get past its thick layer of syrup and molasses, Secondhand Lions reveals itself as a thoroughly decent family film that anyone can enjoy. It gets a little sappy sometimes, but there's something to be said for a movie in which Michael Caine and Robert Duvall play eccentric old brothers who take the easy approach to fishing: instead of a peaceful rod and reel, they use 12-gauge shotguns. When 14-year-old Walter (Haley Joel Osment, teetering on puberty) spends an eventful summer with his great-uncles on their vast Texas farmland (he's been dumped there by his delinquent mom, played by Kyra Sedgwick), he soon discovers they've lived lives full of adventure, excitement, passion, and mystery. Either that or they're old-time bank robbers with a long criminal record, and writer-director Tim McCanlies (who invested similar warmth into The Iron Giant) does a nice job of concealing the truth until the very end. Full of enriching lessons and homespun humor, Secondhand Lions has more substance than most family films. If you enjoyed Holes, you'll probably enjoy this movie, too. --Jeff Shannon
I watched it for a second time this past week. What can I say? It made me cry... again.
Editorial Reviews
If you can get past its thick layer of syrup and molasses, Secondhand Lions reveals itself as a thoroughly decent family film that anyone can enjoy. It gets a little sappy sometimes, but there's something to be said for a movie in which Michael Caine and Robert Duvall play eccentric old brothers who take the easy approach to fishing: instead of a peaceful rod and reel, they use 12-gauge shotguns. When 14-year-old Walter (Haley Joel Osment, teetering on puberty) spends an eventful summer with his great-uncles on their vast Texas farmland (he's been dumped there by his delinquent mom, played by Kyra Sedgwick), he soon discovers they've lived lives full of adventure, excitement, passion, and mystery. Either that or they're old-time bank robbers with a long criminal record, and writer-director Tim McCanlies (who invested similar warmth into The Iron Giant) does a nice job of concealing the truth until the very end. Full of enriching lessons and homespun humor, Secondhand Lions has more substance than most family films. If you enjoyed Holes, you'll probably enjoy this movie, too. --Jeff Shannon
I watched it for a second time this past week. What can I say? It made me cry... again.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Bad Poker Morning
I was in late position, 2 guys in front of me went all-in. Everyone had been playing crap cards, so I figured it was worth it. I pushed.
G1: [AJ] not suited
G2: [66]
FLOP: [5][6][9]
RIVER: [6]
Thanks for playing, I'll be here all day!
I was in late position, 2 guys in front of me went all-in. Everyone had been playing crap cards, so I figured it was worth it. I pushed.
G1: [AJ] not suited
G2: [66]
FLOP: [5][6][9]
RIVER: [6]
Thanks for playing, I'll be here all day!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
The Rampage
I stopped by the Chess Club tonight planning to only stay for a few minutes. I ended up spending about an hour and a half with Larry going over the following game between Karpov and Kavalek from 1974:
It's interesting, since the ending in the book is slightly different then on the site. It was interesting to see a lot of the possible sidelines and commentary by Karpov (not available through the link above, they were in the book).
Next Saturday starting at 6pm we're going to be having a $5 G/30 unrated event at the club, with either 1 or 2 sections based upon the number of players. That should be fun. I guess I'll have to be sure to get out of bed that day.
As for the rampage, well, I guess that depends upon your view. Since the club is at the Northampton Burger King, I decided to pick up a couple of PLAIN bacon double cheeseburgers on my way home. When I got home I sat down to play a little poker and eat. It was shortly thereafter that I noticed this funny taste. That's right, apparently in some parts of the world PLAIN doesn't actually mean PLAIN, it means put everything on it anyway because who would actually want a PLAIN burger. Hello burger, meet trash. Suck!!!
The good news, I proceeded to take 1st place in a 2-table $10 tournament, winning $80.
I Rock!
I hope you enjoyed your Saturday.
It's interesting, since the ending in the book is slightly different then on the site. It was interesting to see a lot of the possible sidelines and commentary by Karpov (not available through the link above, they were in the book).
Next Saturday starting at 6pm we're going to be having a $5 G/30 unrated event at the club, with either 1 or 2 sections based upon the number of players. That should be fun. I guess I'll have to be sure to get out of bed that day.
As for the rampage, well, I guess that depends upon your view. Since the club is at the Northampton Burger King, I decided to pick up a couple of PLAIN bacon double cheeseburgers on my way home. When I got home I sat down to play a little poker and eat. It was shortly thereafter that I noticed this funny taste. That's right, apparently in some parts of the world PLAIN doesn't actually mean PLAIN, it means put everything on it anyway because who would actually want a PLAIN burger. Hello burger, meet trash. Suck!!!
The good news, I proceeded to take 1st place in a 2-table $10 tournament, winning $80.
I Rock!
I hope you enjoyed your Saturday.
The Road Rage
From road rage to rampage, it has certainly been a memorable weekend. Friday night I couldn't help but wonder why we couldn't outlaw idiocy. Especially if you're behind the wheel of a car. Caught behind a train on Damon Road during rush hour, you'd be amazed at how many people think that honking and piling up into a 1 lane road might somehow help the situation. After stopping by the VNA to visit John I moved on down Market Street and happened across another traffic backup. The cars were all the way to market street from the lights by Dunkin Donuts. Not so unimaginable, since the street isn't so long there. But this one guy who was 2 cars back on Market Street waiting to turn left decided he shouldn't have to wait anymore. So while I was driving straight down the street, he figured he'd pull in front of me to "pile up" in the line on the next street. I can only imagine how pleased the car in front of him was as well. I also came across your typical idiots who think they can turn left when there's no left turn while cars are starting to pile up behind them because it's never going to happen, and the classic I can turn left with a red light because the cars that are going to start coming at me will wait because they wouldn't be stupid enough to hit me. Yep, in an amazingly short period of time I saw more stupidity than your average person can handle. It darn near brought me to the edge myself.
Drive Safely!
Drive Safely!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Whoa, and so much more.
I was ready for a pretty sad, pathetic, miserable end to an otherwise interesting day... but instead I chanced upon watching a few minutes of "Will & Grace" and hit upon the following nugget of an insipid exchange of verbal expressionism:
For reference, EB is not me, it's Ed Burns playing the "hunky greeting card writer". Granted, I am hunky and I could write greeting cards.
Grace: "What!? You're serious. You write greeting cards?"
EB: "I prefer to think of them as extremely short stories."
Grace: "OK, I'm going to try and be careful here about what I say next because I don't want to offend you, but your job is lame."
EB: "And ahhh, I'm guessing by the rows of fabric and the tassles that you work for UNICEF?"
Grace: "At least I don't perpetuate the myth that if you're not in love in the middle of February that there's something wrong with you."
EB: "And the real myth must be that February 14th is the only day that you're unpleasant and bitter."
Grace: "Whoa."
What can I say, it almost brought the tears to my eyes.
As my luck would have it, I also had the fortuitiveness of experiencing cupid's arrow today. It turns out that cupid... not as good a shot as one might expect. I can still feel it. Not to worry though, just because one is taken from the path does not mean that they have lost their way.
For reference, EB is not me, it's Ed Burns playing the "hunky greeting card writer". Granted, I am hunky and I could write greeting cards.
Grace: "What!? You're serious. You write greeting cards?"
EB: "I prefer to think of them as extremely short stories."
Grace: "OK, I'm going to try and be careful here about what I say next because I don't want to offend you, but your job is lame."
EB: "And ahhh, I'm guessing by the rows of fabric and the tassles that you work for UNICEF?"
Grace: "At least I don't perpetuate the myth that if you're not in love in the middle of February that there's something wrong with you."
EB: "And the real myth must be that February 14th is the only day that you're unpleasant and bitter."
Grace: "Whoa."
What can I say, it almost brought the tears to my eyes.
As my luck would have it, I also had the fortuitiveness of experiencing cupid's arrow today. It turns out that cupid... not as good a shot as one might expect. I can still feel it. Not to worry though, just because one is taken from the path does not mean that they have lost their way.
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